
Question: if you skype in the nude, would someone have to hack your call at that exact time to see you? Or is there some cache of images kept on computers?

I know, and the did the cute little baby photo at the end! It was very endearing.

All of these sexual encounters that are "now" defined as rape? They were already happening, and already being prosecuted up to the discretion of the women. It's not like women don't already navigate within "Ugh, that didn't feel right, was that okay?"

That's a really good way to think about it.

Angelina and Brad? Clooney too?

Oh, yes, I can ask this question! I have hispanic/dark skin and tan insanely easily with or without sunscreen. I've definitely read that no tan is a safe tan, so am I still doing more damage to my skin than my non-ethnic non-tanning counterparts?

He gave me a pretty strong not-straight vibe...

I agree. If I had my druthers, the thing shared would be an incredibly well-written essay about ALS that really dealt with what the disease was and how it impacts people and their loved ones. But that's me, and I love that stuff. I just think it's sad that the videos don't say anything more about ALS except that it

I'm so confused at how it seems to be a loose fitting top, yet also seems to be pressing into her boobs like that? I dunno, the whole thing makes me want to hoist them up.

Wow, ok. This is similar to Lily Allen's video, where she was mocking the dominant rap-culture aesthetic—and by doing so, kept right on with the objectification of black women. If your parodying something by duplicating it, you're still producing more of the same thing. It's like repeating something racist that you

It's not about that at all. The primary visual is little Taylor Swift crawling through women dancing with a black woman's body part (not head or smile) in the foreground. Just because she threw in a couple other women to be in the background doesn't negate the primary visual, and the fact that she's still a white girl

The picture of her crawling through the butt line? How can that not set off alarm bells for people?

This is so bad you guys. From the moment she opens her mouth and the heinously auto-tuned layering starts off. If she can't hit those notes just rewrite the song guys, come on.

Lovely, but two months!! That's an awfully short time before an engagement. Oh well, you do you.

How was the movie ableist?

Sadly, the attitude is that they're not supposed to be doctors in the first place...

I love this for so many reasons. One of them being that he reminds me of the Russian (?) guy from Center Stage (who I can't find a picture of?!).

I do too!!!

I had such a crush on the Prince from the Brandy version—I still remembered off the top of my head that his name was Paolo.

I dunno, I think clinics are a bad way to go in general. I pushes women's health and reproductive care into this medical ghetto. It's terrible to say, but as someone going into medicine, a major factor in deciding to pursue obgyn and perform abortions is how dangerous and stigmatizing it can be for both me and my