Brady Thomas

The parks and recreation one is great as are some others:

or to go with the OG mom animal death, Bambi's mom.

A recent one that really just horrified me was the murder of the dog in The Babadook, for it's simple cruelty and brutality

If only an androgynous man would come and visit me!

Quick, somebody call up Manila Luzon!

even with that buildup, i was not expecting that level of cringiness

I can't agree with you at all here. Jinkx is the gold standard not just because she knew what to say, but because she perfectly studied her voice, physical mannerisms, habits, and all the minute details that made her portrayal a standout. Plus, she did some incredibly laudable work creating a rapport with Ru, which

i will never forget about Alaska

I'm sorry, no. To me, Jinkx's Little Edie is still the gold standard of snatch game. She really did capture the essence of Edie and portrayed it in a way that was sublime. Ginger just ate snacks and made one or two bitchy comments

and also, I'm not expecting Sondheim level lyrics, but my god, they were so unchallenging, and people still butchered them!!! though if I were a particularly cruel producer, a fun mini challenge would be to try to force the queens to sing "getting married today" from Company and laugh at their hopelesness

Thats fair, I think the voice part is just an aspect of it that I have definitely picked up on a lot.

Really, the Miss Fame segment would have been so much better if the chicken was brought out by Detox in "Clucky the Cock" drag.

i thought that was 2 years ago, when Jinkx won the crown?

"non-AV-Club parts of the internet"

yeah, watch RuGrets and you'll get it

I think it's interesting about the Max voice thing. It always seems like the show prefers queens who don't put on a voice during drag (with some exceptions, of course). I mean, remember LaGanja?

yeah, like a "lip sync with the song that got you on the show" kind of thing!

As a musical theare fanatic, the songs from "Shade: The Rusical" are the ones that really give me hives

Heidi Glum could be fun, and I'd love to see another DC queen in the running