Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney


That undercarriage of that Subaru rusted entirely through within 48 hours of that photoshoot.

But did you eat dinner in the back?

It’s possible it’s at least 1 ton, but yes, it’s not going to be 2 tons of carbon fiber.

tons of carbon fiber

I understand it’s the exact opposite purpose of all this aero, but this thing seriously looks like it is capable of flight.

Those are douche trails.

You mean like those annoying clouds from those fucking e-cigs that hipsters suck on in some oral fixation thing?


Vapor trails, eh?

Chemtrail truthers, coming tomorrow morning to a watercooler near you.

man, and i’m sitting here in Norman OK. dreading the Westboro baptist protest of the weather center tomorrow. NASA this isnt helping.

Interesting experiment and conspiracy fuel for the chemtrail crowd.

It’s not exclusive. The phone handles the CDMA bands as well. You just can’t buy directly from VZW. You have to buy it directly from MSFT.

Well, this isn’t Sam Biddle we’re talking about here who hurt himself trying to pick up a Lumia 920.

If I leave the wrong app on before I stick my Galaxy S5 in my pocket, it starts heating up like I decided to shove a freshly toasted pop-tart in my pants. I’m definitely not surprised we’ve made it to liquid cooling on newer phones.

And when the Lumia 920 came out, all they had to say about it was that it was too heavy.

I hate to be ‘that guy’ but...