Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

It’s a $2500 beater truck, so just the same as it did before!

I couldn’t care less about the truck (it’s a beater) and the supply yard is very close to my house, but there’s no chance I’ll won’t pay the delivery charge next time.

Having spent the last two weekends shoveling my gravel into a’re a monster.

The truth is that non-morons (read: landscape professionals) transport quantities like that by trailer or via dump truck.

I bought 3 cubic yards of decomposed granite a few months ago and went to pick it up with my B2500.

I miss the days when espn2 was showed spare-ass sports all day long. Rally, luge, roller was a smorgasbord of spare and I loved every minute of it.

I feel like this is a direct middle finger to Hardigree and his Collins-hate, and I’m here for it

Please address the use of the letter X:

In theory? Sure, that’s the proper response.

Now playing

I call shenanigans, this is Donaldson doing a Michael Chang tribute.

“There are people making money here,” he says, “but it’s not us.”

Hot tip: for Spotify users, create a playlist in which to deposit tunes you like from your Discover Weekly playlists. Serves a dual purpose of giving you a nice default playlist of new stuff you’ve been listening to recently, and I’ve found (believe and therefore have self-fulfillingly assumed works?) it helps

Just bought a 911 a month ago, so I was hesitant to click and face the music but this....isn’t so bad? Should have gotten a PPI, RMS is a known issue, $2k just isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of these things with what could have been lurking.

For one, our criminal and civil courts, while separate in theory, are not at all separable in practice. The same sets of fact very often get tried in both forums.

“Criminals have rights and our justice system is crooked”

Being in on a Show or Display exemption wouldn’t preclude it from being registered and titled. In fact, it would be the proper way to do it, notwithstanding Florida’s willingness to register and title anything with wheels regardless of Federalization.

My first thought as well. Not a party involved in that scenario, Porsche or the track, that wants any part of the risk involved.

Stadium Super Trucks with the Urus, Bentayga, G65, and any and all other hideously expensive trucks?

Kind of hard to figure out if they are better or train them to be better if they’re not out testing, though, which is why the “driverless cars have to be better than humans” response is kind of baffling. I don’t think many people would argue that, but that response seems to be accompanied with the attitude of “no