Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Not sure that’s a great analogue. The GT is essentially a re-contented race car. Durability, reliability, NVH testing...all of that stuff could be addresses with relative hand-waves given the purpose, nature, and end users of the car.

Solid donuts and a hilarious atmosphere, but the real gem is Sullivan Street Bakery just a block and a half in from Underwest.

replacing its bus service

These cars didn’t belong in the junkyard, but I went along with it.

I shouldn’t be so sweeping in my generalizations, but it appears it is just utter chaos regardless of what any of us say

The Vine Street? Jesus.

Which meant that many of them had local names, usually to designate their destination: the Harbor Freeway, the San Bernardino Freeway, the Pasadena Freeway, etc.


I recall seeing a lot more CCs when they were new than I did Passats.

Why on earth is every example you pulled from Autotrader a sub 20k mile car? There are plennnnnnnnty in the low 30s if you’re willing to accept average mileage for a 10 year old car.

This is exactly the kind of shit you have to vigorously defend if you’re going to grandstand over the cultural significance of donks.

Bourdeaux in the old city center

What we will actually get: the DS4 Crossback that I drove as a rental car in France this summer, which pretty much reminded me of an America/Japanese car-based crossover in every way possible. Actually a perfectly fine automobile, but was really hoping for a DS3.

There’s plenty of very good coffee here, there’s just not a good coffee shop on every other street corner like there is in Italy; this convenience store shit does not represent the entirety of readily available coffee in the US.

This is a really weird and dumb argument based around semantics.

I’m dead

You assessment of Berkshire’s ownership imperatives here is, by and large, contrary to most available evidence to its operating history. It doesn’t mean Berkshire is a benevolent spirit, but you’re not offering much more than conjecture.

Fair play to Raph, that’s not filtered, it’s a film scan from some old expired film he was playing with.