Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

I only watch on tape delay on CBS Sports Network, so I think I’m a race behind, but anecdotally the Peugeots have seemed way faster as this season has progressed. Yes, the Focus was good last year, but it just hasn’t been terribly impressive this year to me. But, none of this is empirically-based, so I may be talking

The car was always too big, for starters. Watching it next to the Polo and A1 and 208 was so goofy. Ford had a marketing agenda that didn’t quite line up with the competition, and with the uncertainty in the regs for next year it didn’t make a lot of sense to dump development money into a chassis that was always going

I’ll tell you what’s boring: a stock Lamborghini Huracán.

“I haven’t sold one car yet for anywhere near where I paid for them.” 

Certainly don’t disagree in this specific context, it’s probably the worst avenue you could pick if you were looking for an ideal piece of litigation. Although in a court of equity there’s absolutely going to be an argument to be made about the future benefits effected by what level of success “Windows” and this

Hip-hop samples disproportionately come from music produced by a class of musician who reaped minimal commercial benefits from the publishing of their music in period. Modern artists then sample these works, often with minimal changes whatsoever, layer vocals over the top, and reap substantial commercial benefits from

Have this exact model and it works fantastically, but the build quality is about what you’d expect from a $200 knock-off of a $1000 grill. Issues that popped up within the first year on mine:

Have this exact model and it works fantastically, but the build quality is about what you’d expect from a $200

“What the ACO wants”

Particularly that the DPi concept came from the States, which the FIA simply can’t have. It’s part xenophobia, part hubris, part snobbery, and part spite that they don’t have the level of control over American road racing that they do in Europe.

Everyone brings up BoP, but that’s pretty easy, if it’s an issue for the manufacturers: revise/eliminate BoP when drafting DPi-style rules for LMP2.

That’s partially true; manufacturers are still developing powerplants under DPi. At the very least it’s vastly more interesting than the state of LMP2 right now. Aside from the handful of cars that have interesting liveries, it’s literally impossible to tell LMP2s apart in person at the track and even harder to track

The opposition to the DPi spec is flabbergasting to me, to be honest. It solves nearly every problem the series acknowledges that they’re trying to fix: manufacturer involvement, restrained costs, diverse power plants, and identifiable, supportable cars for fans.

$3k GTV-6s are bordering on basket case examples these days. The market has moved on.

If the 10th tier English league teams were properly unionized he wouldn’t be getting SBNation’d like this. Shameful.

...there are far more troubling and serious problems in this country right now than what happens to the #brands.

Prangler? I hardly know’er!

“Houston area”

Ugh, College Station gonna fucking College Station. Parts of this state are civilized, I swear.

That’s going to be awfully tough for anyone but the top 2 teams or so to swallow.