If anything, the people of Renton are known for their nuanced but racist understanding of Washington State tax law.
If anything, the people of Renton are known for their nuanced but racist understanding of Washington State tax law.
She also asserted that her tax dollars somehow go towards Thorpe and Tyson’s salaries. That’s definitely not how taxes work, but believing so is definitely how being a wretched white person in America works.
Owned by Meridian Consulting of Kearny NJ, operated by Liberty Helicopters. The same group that owned the one that crashed in the Hudson about 9 years ago.
Agree. A no-power landing; it looked as smooth as I would expect.
lol, people like you are no better than alt right paranoid delusionals on infowars.
Well, to be fair one is a gov’t-issued ID and one isn’t.
If the options are “pay $30 and not kick up a fuss” or “pay $12 but you have to make a deal out of it”, a lot of white people, especially ones wanting to just eat a meal and not draw attention to themselves in a difficult social situation, will just bite their tongue and be uncomfortable.
And this is the problem with how a lot of people view statistics. White people have a higher median income, so they get charged more? Okay... so how does that make any sense for the whites that don’t come anywhere close to the median income?
People are individuals, and it is nonsense that individual people should be…
If they donate the extra money received from the higher paying group, yes, I fully support it. If they pocket it, it’s racial exploitation, and deserves ten to life.
Because it’s not actually about income inequality. It’s about skin color and only white people are “devils” who deserve bad things.
Because dont you know, only white people have privilege. Smh.
And even then, she will not be deemed hot by the good people of Dunder-Mifflin Scranton.
She’s realizing the extent to which the new tariffs on steel and aluminum will impact interest rates, and force manufacturers to revise their earnings estimates for the fiscal year.
Conservatives Spent the Oscars Freaking Out About the Dumbest Shit
Isha Aran, skills include being able to list top Asian-American musical artists from a Google search and point out that there was a blackface joke in a movie a decade ago.
This is a no-fun zone. Anything good or funny must be picked apart with a fine toothed comb to analyze any possible element of offensiveness.
Yeah, I don’t get it either. A few years back, during the #OscarsSoWhite I read a brilliant argument that, actually, the total number of ‘black’ Oscar winners was (gasp) actually proportional to the population.
Not good enough. You know someone is racist when they starting talking percentages and statistics. Why don’t you go clean out your ovens, Hitler?
We’ve seen the “pivot to video” fail for, what, like 20 media outlets already?