There has always been only one answer.
There has always been only one answer.
Hope that Giant Meteor 2016 has a surprise 2017 cameo?
But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?
Get into a black car Phoneix in July. Are you going to ask for the air to be turned up or ask the driver to turn it down? TURN IT UP TO 11!
Hot anything first. If it’s a sizzling steak with steamed broccoli, steak first. If it’s a burger and fresh, scalding hot french fries, then the fries.
One last time? Oh man, if my death was scheduled, I’d be cranking it to the point where I tore skin. And then guess what, they have to bring you to the infirmary and your execution gets delayed. And then as soon as they reschedule it and I get back into my cell, imma do it again. I won’t stop panic jerkin until…
I was all ready to star you until that UTTER BULLSHIT about A/C. Are you using more juice? Will your electricity bill go way up? That doesn’t happen from turning something down.
I doubt he knew....
What percentage of people masturbate for the last time realizing they are doing so?