Judge Richard M. Berman has nullified the NFL’s four-game suspension of Tom Brady for his role in the Patriots’ ball…
Judge Richard M. Berman has nullified the NFL’s four-game suspension of Tom Brady for his role in the Patriots’ ball…
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is a ruddy incompetent who draws out decisions on punishing league employees in order…
Simmons, Olbermann, Cowherd - ESPN Departes
Now you know. Now you know that, in Roger Goodell’s batshit crazy universe, the greatest crime of all is defying…
I know the prevailing opinion is that simmons was/is a douche, and being such a homer was at times annoying, I have to say I love his columns. Strictly because they are entertaining, and he is only a little older than me, so most of his references are right up my ally. He’s a fanboy who writes in the style of fanboys,…
Anyone who compares Fifty Shades of Grey to real BDSM is a fucking idiot tool in my book.
The bad thing about the corruption in NFL reporting is that there's literally no way for a league higher-up to…
Goodell's omnidirectional attempts at plausible deniability might not be such a bad defense for himself. He has already succeeded in making everything so unbelievably confused that people, including reporters, are already starting to let the "Aw, who really gives a fuck? It's just more of the same old corporate…
It's also a shame that Goodell has turned the league into flag-football yet wasn't interested in punishing Ray Rice for not only knocking out his fiancee but also the reaction he showed afterwards in that elevator. Ray's lack of concern and urgency after knocking her out was very alarming.
These days, there’s no dearth of great resources for learning to code. Here’s another great one, a 21-chapter book…
Bookmarklets are great for adding functionality to your browser without dealing with extensions. They also happen to…
Yeah, but then you have to use C#.....
When did parenting become an ideology instead of a natural act that people have been doing for centuries? Do people really have nothing better to do than sit around thinking of ways to make parenting more complicated?
It's so hard to know whether becoming a parent will ruin your life or be the only thing that makes it worth living.…
Your Honor, I would like to cross-examine the witness.
I love the animal expressions/body language in Neko's photo. The baby goat's all, "Hey guys! I'm just gonna invade your space, OK?!" They greyhound's all, "If I don't look directly at it, maybe it will go away." And the black pup's looking up beseechingly, all "PLEASE help us, Neko!"
*Oh, Rhianna...I went through that same phase (where you think you're totally edgy and interesting since you've discovered how fun sex, drugs, and alcohol are in excess and don't give a fuck what your prude friends think because you're just sooo much more evolved than they are). I'm just glad twitter wasn't around…
Constant bitchface + middle finger if provoked is my go-to. Usually it shuts them up, but sometimes it enrages them. That's fine though. Clearly they didn't give a fuck about enraging me.
YEAH, GUYS. The Constitution is all about the word of god! Hamilton wrote extensively on the importance of adherence to Biblical law in Federalist Paper 86. Did any of you even ever take a history class?
Can anyone think of a good reason why Viagra is okay but HBC isn't? I would really like to hear any argument that can logically explain the difference when it comes to facilitating whore sex and other sins.