Boomslang Green

I did Nazi that coming.

I have the emotional depth required to feel sorry for someone and still make a joke in an internet comment section. Take your fake concern elsewhere. You brought it to the wrong place.

Joakim seems like a really good dude into living life and having fun. I bet he’s really great to party with and as a friend, a person you know will always have your back.

The most pro-troop position is to be anti-war.

Go fuck yourself.

To be fair, it was that or play for the Browns.

Kiante Enis is the nephew of former Penn State and Bears running back Curtis Enis.

This is just my two cents on judging the attractiveness of the two actresses in question but Marion Cotillard is much more attractive than Angelina Jolie to me. I have always found Jolie way too skeletal and sickly looking.

I don’t think people cheat based on looks, but if we’re talking about looks...have you actually looked at Marion Cotillard?

Personally I think Marion Cotillard is much more beautiful than Ang. Everybody has their preferences! It is a bummer that Marion’s such a conspiracy theorist nutjob though.

Well, it still remains to be seen if Wentz will pan out. So far we’ve only seen him against Division 2 competition, in both college and the pros.

If we were talking about almost any other team, signing a 26 year old QB and gaining all of those draft picks would be a no-brainer.

But since this is the Browns, it was a

I know the question of whether the NFL is in the midst of a QB talent crisis has been hashed and rehashed, but it certainly can’t help the situation that two of the most promising prospects to enter the league in the past two years are being coached by Fisher/Boras and Mike Mularkey/Terry Robiskie.

That one actually made me lol. I think anyone that can’t survive a train to the zone needs to spend some time in Unrest. Man the heal procs would have been wicked back then.

Well, Shrekeli is not a free market capitalist, he speaks out against price gouging and insurance companies making huge premiums anyway, he only utilized pre existing laws, he did not lobby for exceptions. If anything, he raised prices in a form of protest to make it apparent how oblivious our legal system is to the

I guess the CBC commentators are a little out of their depth when it comes to unfrozen water. At least they are gold medalists in apologizing.


Hopefully the boy’s mother has a chance to speak at the 2020 DNC.

Did I hear him say his mom who passed away was “looking up” at him? That’s either an unfortunate slip-up or some true shade.

I think my dislike for Piana is that he’s selling a lifestyle to kids and that lifestyle is all smoke and mirrors. Piana is like a lot of bodybuilders in that his body is the result of a lot of hard work plus the added benefit of oil injections. It’s a very unhealthy lifestyle to say the least and I doubt that he

I don't blame Drexler for being upset about all the attention Magic's HIV status got him. After all, Drexler gets no credit for playing through an equally severe bout of INV.