
I once painted myself like Goldie Hawn on Laugh In for a naked bike ride. I did not SPF enough and I had a huge peace sign tanned onto my back for the entire summer. Also flowers on both buttcheeks.

As a dotard kid, I used to re-read Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs book and dive deep into it for context on all my relationships. With my dad (Taurus), my brother (Cancer), my mom (Aries), my best friends (Sagittarius and Aquarius) and most importantly, Scott, my 5th grade boyfriend. Scott was a Scorpio, one of the worst

Explanation #3: It’s because he’s still madly in love with Jen, of course. Who is pregnant with his baby.

President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!

On a side note: the raccoon is safe. It made it to the roof, was trapped and is now safe.

If I had billions of dollars I would just build affordable housing for all the struggling people in Seattle. It’s a band aid over a bullet hole but at least people have temporary relief from the elements. I would also double NIH or CDC or UNHCR funding or prevent the extinction of elephants.

If it’s true, congrats! May it bring more joy into the world.

Ah, BBLMSALMSFC. I believe that’s pronounced “BubbleMySalamiSanFrancisco”.

Yes, but relativity ain’t just for physics.

Thank you for sharing your story. While I don’t have the connection to Anthony that you did, I was still very shocked by the loss, and am sorry that your mentor-from-afar has left the earth much too soon.

I adopted a kitty on Monday!

Getting out of bed was quite the monumental achievement this week. Been feeling the darkness creeping in again & have done my damndest to fight it off. Was ready to let it take me over this morning when I decided that, NO, I am stronger than this & ended up grouting the bathroom floor instead...what a wonderful

Does anyone else feel like they just general suck at everything? Not terrible at life, but if it was a class your life would be graded at a C- at the best?

‘Sup Jezzers, hope y’all are having a smashing weekend.

“ I’ve been seeing stuff criticizing people for posting suicide prevention numbers - including one friend of mine who said ‘suicidal people know the numbers.” Having taught 7-9 graders that had the opportunity to write the facillitators of the group anonymous questions I can assure you they do NOT know the numbers and

I mean, I’m actually fine with them being vague on that. I think it’s great if someone wants to take the Betty Ford approach, but I’m big into privacy and don’t think someone’s job should mean they are required to disclose details of their medical record (much less their spouse’s job). But, like, you could just

Oh man, so sorry to hear that. I don’t recommend reading this thread if you don’t want to do any more crying, but I think it’s worth it:

Same. My late husband was a huge Anthony Bourdain fan. He had a man crush on him and would have been devastated by today’s news. I don’t know if I believe in heaven, but I like to think that my husband was anxiously waiting at the entrance for Bourdain, ready to ask him a thousand questions and hoping to be his new

I am totally heartbroken. Bourdain wasn’t perfect but, there is no doubt his passion for food and travel inspired so many others to do those exact same things.

I agree. And thank you. It’s hitting me hard especially because I looked at him as an inspiration. Like look this guy was a drug addict too and look where he is now kinda thing.