
She was the college student. Not that a 17yo should be absolved of such horrible “writing”. Interesting how in the age of autocorrect and speech-to-text the ability to express oneself in written form seems worse than ever.

It’s almost surely a mental disorder like low-level schizophrenia. Every city has a small but ever present population of basically functional but definitely crazy people. Your police officers and ER nurses know them by name.

I’ll add that after the Batman confusion I read the article 4 times and still had absolutely no idea what it was about.

What’s your alternative? Never innovate? Are you still hurting over the loss of all the papyrus/pottery/typing/blacksmith/cobbler/weaver/etc jobs?

What are you talking about? I honestly don’t have any feel for what you’re trying to get at. I think you contradict yourself a few times and also it is AWD so you’re just blatantly incorrect there. Were you high when you wrote this?

Not to mention once your car drives you to your destination you have a car to use instead of having to rent one :)

I maintain these airlines have no idea how boned they are once self-driving cars are the norm and at least as safe as driving, which WILL happen. Any traveling less than 12 hours I bet most people will happily let the cars drive.

Regular Hellcats are sub-11 out of the box. I’m thinking this thing is at least sub-9?

Modern Wagoneer...that is a fantastic comparison.

If I were in that position I’d probably make myself do penance and drive some lame, normal car for at least 6 months or something, not immediately buying another supercar. I guess he doesn’t feel like he needs to learn anything from the crash.

Dude, that was lame.

Had to scroll way down here to finally find someone saying this, and that’s a shame.

Has anyone thrown out there that people in the last 100 years have gotten taller and (unfortunately) wider in general? CUV’s/SUV’s just have more damn room and are easier to get in and out of. ESPECIALLY getting kids in and out of given the ongoing carseat complexity. My 3 year old daughter in my wife’s Grand Cherokee



The fact that New Orleans and Memphis are Western conference teams kinda negates the first part of your argument. L.A. to Charlotte flight time for example is only one hour, 15 min longer.

Wrong list. Should be filed under Vehicles That Want To Kill Everyone Else.

People don’t cross-shop these cars though, man! You really really need to understand this!

Except you forgot all-wheel drive?

Next the chair got me going like General Electric.