
the blind bedazzler is back

plus it had leah Thompson

thanks. Howard therapy

like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives.....

i paid to see this at the theater. How depressing am i?

love the photo. One of the last few forms of pure freedom left


i hear omaha is just like these photos

thank you for this. I really want to share this with someone

why not just put cream cheese on both sides of the bagel. Messy but effective

here's a guess. None of these people have wives or girlfriends

have you ever seen the scene in nick and noras infinate playlist with the gum in the port authority toilet. Now thats bad

tuna instead of lobster

goodf thing hes not on double secret probation

give it to sarah palin's new network. They will get to the bottom of it

As someone who had to blow up 400 balloons for a party once.this would have been most useful and I believe the balloons were biodegradable so no harm done but I wouldnt have been able to drink as much wine as I did while blowing them up so maybe this isnt all that great. lol

San Dimas High school football rules!

SO True!!!!! I cant even add to that. so good


Absolutely!!!! And then they blame Alton Brown.