I was talking with my sis, and I think this all started with Cosby. People came out against Cosby, saw what happened, and now they’re turning around, feeling a lot more confident about blowing the whistle.
I was talking with my sis, and I think this all started with Cosby. People came out against Cosby, saw what happened, and now they’re turning around, feeling a lot more confident about blowing the whistle.
Forget all this whataboutism shit. The point is not whether Obama (or other presidents) did or didn’t do it. The point is that calling a fallen soldier’s family to extend condolences is the good/right/morally responsible thing to do. And Trump should have done it with these most recent four soldiers who were killed.
Fox News Guest Says Trump’s Long History of Alleged Sexual Assault Is ‘Child’s Play’
While some are calling for the teacher to be fired, others at the school are defending her, saying on social media that she is a “great person” and a “wonderful teacher,” the International Business Times reported.
no one will come out and say it, but i have a feeling a lot of this is based on those out of season white heels she’s always wearing.
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.
I noticed in the OJ Simpson sketch, Gadot couldn’t take her eyes off the cue cards. Not for a second. I drifted away from the show after that.
Things of beauty. The video and your comment.
Others here and elsewhere have stated: the 1st amendment is a sham and it always has been and will be. It’s a tool of the wealthy to own the time and place of discourse and dissent. And it’s granted in small doses to placate the masses until such time as it defies the wealthy too pointedly and is this revoked.
These things need to be banned until the long term health-effect of living near them can be properly studied and vetted. There’s strong evidence of negative side effects from the constant low frequency pulse of the turbine’s motion. They built one near a friend of mine’s uncles house. His wife suddenly got herpes out…
Fear not Jon, I’m sure Nacho Man will soon be exposed as a virulent racist and/or a bad parallel parker.
The book to read on this subject is When Books Went to War by Molly Guptill Manning, published in 2014. She did a great presentation on her book tour, and video of it can be found on C-SPAN’s BookTV site.
This asshat is TOTALLY trying to turn his barely there notoriety into celebrity of the Tomi Lahren variety. He’s seemingly ubiquitous on YouTube, being interviewed and engaging in what passes for debate on several MGTOW channels. I have no doubt he’s going to hire an agent, if he hasn’t already.
I was a daily smoker for a long time, but once, I got hold of some particularly powerful stuff. I was driving and came to a halt at a stop sign. I sat there for a long time...waiting for it to turn green. A stop SIGN. I never drove high again and I eventually stopped smoking altogether.
Did...umm...did nobody smell the amazing amount of weed smoke that must have been on set if she smoked a whole blunt in one take? This sounds suspiciously false...
“Racebaiting” is a term used by (white) people who have nothing better to say and have been backed into a corner. The fact that you were unable to truly address a single word I said, instead prattling on uselessly about racism you think is “mythical,” shows you have nothing to say and even less to back it up. I, on…
...Man, I think I’m going to keep coming back to this piece all day, thinking about it more. Upon reflection, this bit is really sticking with me:
This is amazing — thoroughly researched, relentlessly argued and really compellingly written. Thank you for making my morning with it!
TV shows with no black writers have no business writing a #BlackLivesMatter episode.
So, basically, John Kelly is treating Trump like we treat our 3 year old.