The book to read on this subject is When Books Went to War by Molly Guptill Manning, published in 2014. She did a great presentation on her book tour, and video of it can be found on C-SPAN’s BookTV site.
The book to read on this subject is When Books Went to War by Molly Guptill Manning, published in 2014. She did a great presentation on her book tour, and video of it can be found on C-SPAN’s BookTV site.
ICE agents under Trump are similar to members of the Nazi Party after Hitler rose to power: they all gained the ability to act like lawless, bullying thugs without fear of repercussion.
This asshat is TOTALLY trying to turn his barely there notoriety into celebrity of the Tomi Lahren variety. He’s seemingly ubiquitous on YouTube, being interviewed and engaging in what passes for debate on several MGTOW channels. I have no doubt he’s going to hire an agent, if he hasn’t already.
I was a daily smoker for a long time, but once, I got hold of some particularly powerful stuff. I was driving and came to a halt at a stop sign. I sat there for a long time...waiting for it to turn green. A stop SIGN. I never drove high again and I eventually stopped smoking altogether.
Ha! Enjoyed this.
Give a few examples of non-regulated industry.
Get rid of all public servants! Why not? After all, there’s absolutely no reason to distrust giant, faceless corporations.
Camille Paglia might like this. She speaks often of having to defend her appreciation for the Rolling Stones back in the early 70s. The Stones HAVE taken a lot of heat over the years for lyrics and imagery deemed misogynistic. .
You went there. But someone had to.
Kudos and a hearty high-five for this, Maxine! I’m surprised the International Male hasn’t spawned more blog posts on the vast nostalgia fields of the internet. But this will do for now. Much thanks!
Nothing beat the International Male catalog, which from the outside seemingly catered only to pirates, Draculas, and Percy Bysshe Shelley. But on the inside, it was a whole lotta leopard-print banana hammocks and other assorted items of “undergear” aimed at those (supposedly) fashion forward gay men who would lounge…
Everyone is responsible for their own pleasure and orgasm. I can’t read minds! I ‘ll do things I think would be generally pleasurable, but my partner needs to tell me if she’s liking it or not and what it takes to please her. Especially regarding orgasm. Don’t make me fiddle around in the dark just because saying…
Damn! You’re ROUGH on Steve here.
I’ve yet to check out Vivaldi, but oh, do I love the Opera browser. I had to tweak it a bit to get it to behave, but I’m glad I made the switch. It also happens to work great on an older laptop I sometimes use which is still running Windows 7.
My body would go into paroxysms of chemistry (is that a thing?) if I knew I was about to kiss Emilia Clarke. I doubt Emilia would have the same reaction. I’m experimenting with a facial hair thing and I look like a pirate with rickets.
I’m quite sure Dash, in her peanut-sized brain, doesn’t consider herself black.
Please do remember though that in Cincinnati, when art fights the law, the art wins. (I was gonna post a Mapplethorpe photo here, but I couldn’t decide on SFW or NSFW.)
Weeks ago I listened to a podcast or segment of a podcast about eclipse chasers and how people react to seeing a total solar eclipse, but now I can’t remember the NAME OF THE SHOW!!!
Yes. Why do some people still insist vodkas are all the same?
Careful now!