You have a degree in Bologna!

That deadspin story is about an actual competitor weighing in on something related to their field, whereas this io9 article is a link to speculative fiction about future football that gets the name of the comic it namedrops incorrect.

Homestuck, not struck

Yes, it will, but for now as a placeholder its fine.

Explain how shorts are functionally different from a sleeveless vest, i’ll wait oh no nevermind youstill have no point and have terrible grammar to

Comic book covers have a long, proud history of promising characters, events and consequences that do not appear in the actual stories within. So long as the movie itself is good, I don’t care. Only saps trust the advertisements for whether a product will be worth their money.

yes this is why we should burn tank tops and shorts and t-shirts and underpants and oh wait no you dont have a point

Though you are right, the problem is once you elect a baldly ambitious asshole to be in charge, you more or less have to live with their decisions, since the only motivation for them to do right by you is if they want or need your vote again. Since Christie does not have a prayer of re-election and his prospects in

This is the correct take. He knows his days are numbered, at this point he’s just letting everyone know they can kiss his ass on his way out. I respect the pettiness, if not the man himself.

Why is my man wearing his fleece in Florida? did it get down to 65?

I mean, I guess they could’ve brought in someone else to play her very memorable character, whats her name, but why bother when they can just shuffle her off to be with Han in the afterlife?

basically? gal has been either promoting man vs steel, filming ww, promoting ww, or filming justice league nonstop since she stopped promoting fast & furious. the filming schedules of the two don’t align at all if you watch the social media feeds of the stars.

You mean when she left the franchise to lead her own franchise? Yeah, those Fast & Furious guys really did her wrong.

Letty is one of the best parts of the movies, but Rodriguez does remember that she had nothing going on until the series wrote her back in, right? I think the last non Fast & Furious news I heard about her was a DUI during her stint on Lost?

A decades old property revived by a giant corporation for strictly mercenary reasons isn’t taking risks or exploring new thing creatively? I’VE GOT TO BLOG THIS.

UPDATED: It has been discontinued.

The main idea behind Spider-Man is not a metaphor for puberty and discovering one’s place in the world. You’re thinking of Frankenstein.

When they first announced Heath Ledger as the Joker, the internet fucking broke. Literally no one liked it. No one. If someone tells you they thought it was awesome, they better be Christopher Nolan or they’re a liar.

Matt Millen was the worst GM of all time, but our cap situation was trash because we kept getting #1 picks back when they could be paid well. If they’d played terribly just a few years later they’d have #1s and suh & stafford as indentured servants. Instead they paid out the nose for rookies and started going about

Anyone who thinks the justice system works and that cops are competent and heroic and worthy of any respect should lose their right to an attorney.

But if youre already making the campfire to cook on, why bother buying the gas and a lantern?

But if youre already making the campfire to cook on, why bother buying the gas and a lantern?