
Unhunh….I'm really believing you have that Poli sci degree after what you wrote there. *eye roll*

Did you ever think at a certain point that I don't think people who disagree with me are 'assholes' but merely refuse to listen to what somebody who devoted their life to it has to say?

Sorry, fiscal conservatism doesn't make any sense as practiced by Republicans….You want to bring blue dogs in, I'm fine for those marginal seats. But at this point, we don't need somebody who agrees with Paul "I can't make economic sense if my life depended on it" Ryan ON ANYTHING.

Cool story, now tell elected officials to stop treating them like they're the enemy and they likely won't have a reason to fight back….

Turnout decreased for Clinton. Green party votes increased significantly. Had Green party voters shifted to Clinton she would have won the election. Had turnout improved only 2% in her favor in those states, she would have won them by a larger margin.

Moderate post count, private account, and whining about AVC taking a political stance…..That post is a mirror. :)

I'm asking you is it a 'partisan' issue if the next admin gets the same treatment but in reverse, people are overflowing? Is it an issue of only POSITIVE press coverage for an elected official or is it press coverage at all?


Surreeeeee……..That's why I'm a PhD in Political Science and you're a small man with a crippling pain killer addiction.

You lost the internet debate by trying to squeeze in a jab at the end….Come on, 'you would know if denial was fun?' I'm not the one denying anything….It doesn't even make sense as a come back.

I don't. I was making a point that if you think this is how you win friends and influence enemies…..Well you're really wrong. :S

They have a right and goal to show things in comparison for the effect. If that is considered 'undermining' I'm not really sure where to go from here. Yes, if it was my guy I would be annoyed but I also wouldn't further prove that i'm an open fascist by making a big scene.

So if it was reverse, with the incoming administration getting a HUGE inauguration (as is likely in 2020) should that be scolded as well? That will likely be just as 'partisan.'

No worse than Connor and his cardboard fire that has the righties up in arms… :S

See, that's just it. It isn't officially 'negative' anymore than it's something that happened. Also several times military brass openly commented to Obama's effectiveness, he didn't have their rank on his desk in any case.

Denial is fun, maybe you can take it up with somebody willing to continue to give a damn about your obfuscations?

Around the same time you were beating your wife.

'reactivated' as in starting tweeting from it again.

He's a pop culture figure, period. Full stop.

Yeah, this is the beginning of a fight. ;)