
I'm not sure what the problem was. The crowds were substantially less than Obama's. They're not obligated to make him look good, they're reflecting on the turnout.

This is the start of the end….or the beginning of a fight.

A.) This site is an American site, run by an American company, staffed by almost exclusively American workers. I don't say that in a weirdly ironic twist on 'America first' but do point out that if you're a foreigner who stumbles upon AV Club….well…That's your problem. They almost never cover things that aren't

It was a major event in US pop culture and history….Sorry that you're a white supremacist, maybe you need to stop being such a terrible human being and move on?

Not really, if he wasn't president today he would be a hasbeen not worthy of discussion. The man is both a buffoon and holds the most powerful office in the world. Stop treating it like we're in 8th grade and we like a boy….Screw that noise.

Twitter worked with the US government to allow the @POTUS tag to be reissued while Obama's was transferred to @POTUS44 and he decided to reactivate his old account. This will happen going forward as long as twitter exists and the presidency changes hands.

Says the person who most likely adheres to their parent's particular political views….Left or right, doesn't really matter. Most children end up adhering to their parents or community views. It's how our worldview forms. People who grow up being told non-whites are inferior actually believe that. People who grow

One man revolutionary…

It appears the main reason it failed was a very narrow release. Making almost half it's money back on what is about 1/3rd of a normal release suggests it was simply a bad strategy that likely sunk it. I also imagine CTW made a killing on the backend selling a few million DVDs of it.

It's the boss of the bank leading the poor to fight the people trying to help them because they think women and non-white folks are people. This is the American Experiment in a nutshell.

You win the internet forever. This is how I feel about Trump every time I see him. He makes me feel like a bad direct to DVD movie of Beethoven is going to spring into action or air bud is going to find incriminating evidence to force him to resign….

Go to the local meetings, give a bit of money, get involved with non-profits that hook up with the party, and get involved with a candidate that wants to run. It's really about going out and forcing yourself into the circle.

It would appear the whole ethics group issue fizzled when people reached an uproar, Trump's tweeting was after the fact.

Actually, Demographically speaking and looking at turnout patterns they're at a major advantage. I'm not sure what you're reading but if Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly suburbs turned out about 3-4% better all those states fall to HRC and she wins a narrow victory.

That's why I'm getting back involved with my county and state party. I stepped away for a few years and frankly its time to make it known we'll not go quietly….

It won't happen because Big Bird will go to Capitol Hill…..AGAIN.

Uninspiring candidate didn't move the lazy side of the dems. Start taking away healthcare, taking big bird out back and splatter his brains, and just generally do everything humanly possible to prove the devil is real and has a really bad spray tan addiction and see what happens.

Scorched earth agenda. They're facing a reality that in 4 years they're going to be drummed out of office and likely lose a good number of state houses along the way. Got to burn the earth as hard as you can before you're shown the door.

Not really, she has a minor built in audience from her high school Musical days I imagine…but come on, this screams 'Community/Office mashup!'

I wasn't sure if they were dating/had dated but it seemed like such. She definitely was an enabler (or just too young) to help his behavior. He was seriously drunk/high during their set. It was fun but it was clear as day.