
Bennett has a PhD in Political Philosophy. He's absolute scum but he had an agenda and was smart enough to know how to execute it.

They put on a hell of a show in the early 2000s when they were starting to fade already. He was blitzed out of his mind on either coke or booze and he kept hitting on Vanessa Carlton and dragging her out on stage to play piano for him and sing. It was awkward but highly entertaining as she was a good sport about it

Pfft,no. It's super-90s alt rock and you can't escape that but in terms of being good at what it is? It's amazing. You need to judge an album like a dog, don't ask it to be something it can't be, but is it the best of what it is.

So in other words they're opening for Silversun Pickups? If both are playing I may go see the New Orleans show…nice send off. :)

A.) Millennials don't love Space Jam. Seriously, we don't.

I remember the early Cinema sins that are atleast interesting but once they hit the 5-10 minute marks and were making up plot holes in some cases (I remember Robocop in particular having several completely fictional holes but sound good if you've only barely seen the movie).

Jeb took pleasure in hurting the poor and destroying what he could with a pleasant face and a mild manner. The only genuine difference between Trump and Jeb is that Jeb is a competent leader but is still an awful person. Trump's just more open about the same message.

Thanks for the catch.

To be fair it was "Bush and his idiot son" because nobody doubted Jeb was intellectually capable he was just a sadistic prick. Trump's progeny are a score of imbeciles and sadists. George's stupidity, Jeb's sadism, and a healthy dollop of American Psycho DVD blended right into their DNA….

I'll give credit….NBC is taking absolutely no chances. Having been offered to do something with the DCU and possibly locking up an interesting superhero show they go for an office comedy about superhero mishaps that has about 13 episodes worth of material. It's as if they saw a successful run with the office and now

Today it's a much more respected place. Back in the 1970s? Not so much.

1.) She wants to reward upper-middle class families, they're the core voting constituencies that reward Republicans.

She publicly stated and has supported groups that have fought for vouchers. Much of the Detroit charter/voucher system is from people she has personally financed and supported.

Money salves ignorance. You can get just about anywhere with enough of it…

For the record, using 'what are you on about?' is a gaslight attack. You want to be taken seriously, address the argument stop trying to delegitimize the clear statements I made.

I read an article earlier that pinpoints her tone deafness so well. Unlike say Michelle Malkin who is a walking definition of evil, DeVos treats destroying our school system as a pet project, something for a rich housewife to do in her spare time. She really doesn't understand the difference between politely going

Betsy DeVos is the daughter of an industrial magnate who never set foot in a public school. She graduated from a 3rd rate liberal arts college when two state powerhouses were a short drive away and would have earned her some moderate respect. She'll be the second Secretary of Education with only a Bachelor's degree

It was easily my 2nd favorite movie of 2016 (after Rogue One). It also is easily an amazing visual journey, far more than Rogue One (we've seen the practical effects for now going on 40+ years in the SWCU). The problem is going to be that the visual effects category is and will remain the field of 'eye-popping

Ok kiddo, time for me to prep for my college courses i'm teaching since they start this week. Have fun with your pathetic excuse for humor. :)

Milo is a bigot, welcome back to the world at large!