
Yes! If milo and his fans want to walk around and shout their views and talk to each other about it, I could care less. I see no reason to invite a bigot and a fascist onto a college stage because the invitation validates their position whether you agree or not. Validation comes from invitation, so no matter the

Censorship is not fascism that is something you should have learned in college. Your 'absolute freedom' play is so worn out. I said you don't need to offer them a platform. In every reply I never stopped them from saying what they wanted but merely said we don't need to offer them a platform to say it. Censorship

Donald Duck unlike Popeye who more uniformly was competent if obstinate became a truly worthy seamen during WWII. His sailor suit was a half-joke reference to him being a water fowl (duck). Then it became an intricate part of his identity and has remained so. It's quite interesting as in Europe where he's far more

*yawn* ok, move it along…nobody cares that you didn't get a cookie when you expected everybody to hold hands. I'm not interested in your pathetic arguments, nearly everybody pointed out how you're mistaking MLK's point but whatever….

Can Rob Schneider go back under whatever rock he was and leave the rest of us alone? It's as if he doesn't get how cliche and pathetic he is and how he doesn't even begin to understand history.

1.) Stop saying 'race baiting' and you may get taken seriously.

I'll wait for where Rep. Lewis slandered white folks and not a particular guy who happens to be white and made a clear statement about his ineptitude to serve as our president.

They made such a thing of the goose swallowing things whole then never returning to the diss track after it swallowed the USB (and likely still recoverable after it passed it…if it didn't get stuck) seemed so obvious, but I digress…..

3 strikes and you're out! Insisting a counter-protest is censorship is weak at the most basic level and lying at anything more genuine.

Unhunh, back to the censorship argument even though I pointedly stated I wasn't the one censoring them. Protests are counter-speech, so when you can wrap your head around that you can feel free to respond.

and I never said they should be banned. I said they shouldn't be given a free platform, so if that means protests or an organized debate, it's up to them. You're the one who kept assuming I was censoring them apparently.

And thus you contain it then. I'm not going to use a gestapo force to silence the KKK but I'm not interested in letting their message of violence be carried out without repercussions.

Toasterlad set up his whole premise on being a polite do gooder will win an argument. See, even now he is playing a carefully constructed narrative because as Americans we're predisposed to believe that everybody has a right to speak. It's an easy position for him to maintain because it takes no effort, he's likely

Yes yes, you're the high-minded hero….Remind me again how that wins political battles? Oh it doesn't…charming.

He has always dodged actual debates and credible critics on race relations have long pointed out his ho-hum attitudes. He's a troll in the most acute way, he avoids actual debates and simply waits for outrage to ride his position. He never concedes broken arguments and simply doubles down because well…He's the one

No, I'm saying it needs to be challenged and refused to be legitimized. We let trump's talk be taken as a joke and as serious. For his followers it became bible, for his handlers they played it off to placate fears. This is how fascists win with a minority of votes.

Says the one who will quickly and quietly let bigots win. Don't worry, your think pieces will be nice for the paper in our cells. :(

We do, collectively. It's nice that you went for the 'nobody knows!' argument at the end. People do know, that's why Milo and Shkreli were mocked and protested. Should they have been given access? Meh, maybe….I think attacking them is pointless but protesting them is key, denying them credibility and normalization

When the hate speech turns to hate crimes you enforce it. You bring them down for inciting violence when and where it happens.

A bigot is somebody who is hostile towards other social groups without logical justification.