
Oh yes, the old 'both wings are awful!' argument. I'm not sure where you assume I would deny anybody the right to say anything. Milo is free to spew his hate speech all day long, nobody is going to arrest him. Does he have a right to walk onto a college campus and be publicly supported? Sure. Should he be? Nope.

I already proved my case that your whole argument is high-minded hogwash. You're a joke of a concept….You want to give bigots platforms, not challenge them and pretend that using 'logic' will win the day. I advocate ridiculing them, exposing their lies, and enforcing laws that keep their behavior minimized. In the

I think I strained my eye after I rolled them so hard at your 'let them have a platform speech'.

But we know this is about confirmation bias and I'm not missing the point. I'm co-hosting a debate in less than two weeks with noted debaters on both sides of this fight. I'm well aware of the ideals put forward. The problem is that in a world where two policy options are presented, neither with an ethical dilemma,

I know this is partly joking/partly serious but it's not usual when an ideology is collapsing for them to become fascists in order to save it. We're watching the right descend into it now…

Milo is a joke of a debater, this is about mainstreaming his views. Once again, not all speech is created equal. Sorry you had to find that out today but it's the reality of the situation.

I'm sorry, there is no obligation to treat all sides equally. I'm not sure where protesting against a viewpoint is suddenly becoming intolerant when that original viewpoint is fundamentally bigoted. Just because the state has no recourse against neo nazis speaking out doesn't mean citizens are obligated to listen or

Shkreli is a walking pile of human detritus and publicly famous. He is part of pop culture on numerous levels. Sorry that politics counts towards pop culture, maybe you can just crawl under a rock for the next several decades?

Half Price Books people are all Library Science Grad students or Philosophy majors who couldn't land a job working in an Uni bookstore…But they're awesome for that reason when I come to clean out their stock of History and Poli Sci books..

What could have easily been a pair of movies to make developing these characters worthwhile still left me feeling amazed. It's a war film set in the Star Wars Universe. it's the first effective one they've had since the original trilogy was an Arthurian hero's quest, Episode One was a kid's movie to get a new

The books it address it as ion cannon defeating them quickly. It's pretty much why the clone wars are stupid in the first place…But yes, an army of K-2SOs work great until one guy with a backpack ion cannon turns them all off and then reprograms them with simple corruption programming to booby trap them for the next

Steelers score 17 only in a KC fantasy world….We can totally lose this game but it isn't going to be because KC held our offense in check….

See, even in your attempt to sound like you're not insufferable you won't admit your team has a serious infraction issue, whether it rises to the level of using the C-word is pointless, Bellichick is brilliant at finding loopholes and using his team owner's giant wealth and access to keep from being frowned upon too

The decline in teachers is actually still exceeding the demand for teachers. There are fewer teachers than jobs to fill if you would look at the math.

Well he's certainly like Trump in that he appears to be a serial sexual predator using money and power to leverage his libido…..What a terrible human being. I remember watching the Superman documentary and he came off as a cretin then and even more now.

It's odd, I was always torn because they did actually behavior like good people in terms of industrial manufacturing standards, paying a living wage and all. But just about everything else they did was riddled with sexism and sleaze. Their CEO was king of sleaze mountain, too. Shame to see it go, I would

I don't assume anything anymore but I don't discount it. There is too much evidence (in a general sense) that people like MANIMAL here isn't a paid troll but could just as easily be Russian and happy to defend his home country….But who knows. Whenever I see things like this I have to assume they're either stupid or

To be blunt: RT is state-owned. It's hierarchy was 'privatized' but into a non-profit that still is directly controlled by the Ministry of Mass Media and Communication. It's really not the BBC equivalent and shouldn't be treated as a subsidized group. The BBC collects a license from TV ownership with an apolitical


I do, you're the one who made the poor jokes. :(