
. . .yeah, that's just not true. Sorry, you spent a month to make a lie up about supply and demand but there are fewer teachers in the US today than there was a decade ago simply because poor districts are squeezing the supply further but thanks for the pointless reply. Go crawl back into your hole, MRA.

There is actually a whole lot of overlap/homage but it's the slight variations that make huge changes. Plus, the registry is mostly for active clowns who want to protect their business. It isn't like there aren't possible duplicates, it's that you try not to. Plus there are atleast a dozen distinctly different

That was similar to how my Uncle got involved. His wife loved clowns, her stepdad had been a clown for years, so he got involved. They used to do mostly charity things and since they had two kids they were kinda-involved. Once the oldest daughter went into cheerleading they asked me to fill in and I became the

I don't think I ever listed it on my resume but I remember putting it on college apps as a 'extracurricular activity'.

Well, it's a celebration of their life and if you're religious or agnostic inclined towards an afterlife it is a loss for the moment but a future reunion.

I just get really irritated when newspapers write 'X, DEAD at ##.' It seems so crass and impolite. Died is fine, I tend to prefer passed away and I would never use half of the more religious ones unless I knew their exact faith.

It depends on if you do pancake or go for a blended look. Trust me, if you blend it with your skin tone you can seem very much lifelike without being scary. Plus, most kids I would meet loved seeing any of us, my uncle was just under 6 foot and a decent sized man, 90% of kids would run and hug him before running

<3 El Santo.

I think it started as a kind of half-joke that lost the irony and became dead serious…. :(

There is a broader actors/performers union that registers all professional clown faces for trademark issues. A clown's face is their real tool of difference and just as when Bozo started to license his look in the 1930's or 40's so many others got their faces registered. My aunt and uncle both have their unique

All Democrats need is the urban centers to turn out a bit more and it's over. Frankly, it seems unlikely that the Trumpkins are going to be anymore enthralled by his failing policies. It just needs to be a photogenic and likable candidate to make Trump eat his taco bowl in 2020…

The problem is that the people of Kenosha, WI, Butler, PA, and other rural areas in the rust belt voted for the party that put them out of work. Their reasoning is petulant and ignorant but because they're fully legal voters we have to respond to them as valid thinkers.

I'm not sure where you draw some strange and mildly offensive note that I personally wouldn't want to wait week-to-week versus being capable of consuming it.

Yeah, that I can see being an issue but in the end Ford and Arnold were deeply idealistic and we here Arnold wanting to be with his child. Ford eliminates himself for the same reason that an old war horse doesn't die…he fades away.

Eh, your original comment seems to be debating the validity of their choice. I wasn't doubting your intellect. :)

Just binge watched it over the last two days and it is not a show you can enjoy once a week. It's too entangled in it's own (passable) worldbuilding to engage in anything really engaging. I felt like it should have been a 6-episode mini-series first, then with that out of the way we could get into a meat and

Death is permanent and Arnold chose his to help force Delores into awakening. It was his decision that he lays out in concise and clear tones.

It's Park with a K But also the Samurai section's logo changes to SW (Samurai World would be my guess) with a clearly different logo and font from WW's. So it bears to assume that the 80+ levels include possibly wholly contained worlds along with more parks interconnected. The homage to the original movie is the

This episode fell on a 'Hey you remember Sophie, right?!?!?' so hard without referring to her literal ONE reference 16 years ago that I thought it was a much more recent addition, it's kind of sad her presence has been ignored for so long. She could easily have been a 3-4 episodes since then at a MINIMUM.

The first one is a decent if a bit overly serious action film. It tries to build some gravitas and the ending with the destruction of the dom's ride is a satisfying closure in many ways. Two is just a straight-forward buddy cop action flick, it completely jettisons the first film's point in favor of just putting the