
I'm confused if it's satire or serious because that's about the level of actual discourse from that group and the name isn't helping…

Leto got stuck with a bad portrayal in the DC Universe canon for no particular reason. Even going back to Nicholson's appearance would have been fine. If anything, I think ledger's appearance was haphazard for no particularly good reason (yes, the whole PTSD war vet argument makes more sense with that but we know

I'm too far removed from the hyperbolic expressions and I live in an academic world of strategy. You don't want to see my point of view, it's depressing enough I'm self-aware of my own inoculation to the pure terror that is coming.

It isn't like I'm unaware of the damage being done but this election was winnable and the next one will be too. The problem for Democrats has and remains getting people who generally don't see their privilege being eroded like Republicans to go and vote. There are all kinds of ways to fix it but again, rallying the

Her turnout was flat across them and she didn't win Pittsburgh by as wide a margin. Also generally Scranton or Erie is treated as the next biggest city, Harrisburg is small.

Their victory hinged on 80K total votes in 3 rust belt states. The Democratic party failed to rally troops in Detroit, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and Philly. If those numbers matched 2012 Trump loses narrowly in all those states (probably by about 100-120K combined) but the popular would be enough to drown out his loss

Yes because splitting the vote of 52-55% of the country 23-28 is a brilliant way to win elections….

The democratic coalition was a mixture of liberal Northeastern & western liberals with southern conservatives. It fell apart in the 1970s with the South shifting politically to the Republican party and the eventual takeover of most of flyover country was inevitable when you have a party that made friends with

It's a mixture of boomer's favorite people passing now (the earliest television stars passed in the 1990s, so we're now focusing on the golden age/silver age) and politically it's actually the stabilization of the fallout has allowed anglo-centric countries to become more racist against (in a crisis, nobody cares what

I'll have to give them a listen. I'm going to start up over the holidays when I have some free time and maybe setup a blog through one of the cheap hosting sites with it's own framework….It'll be a pointless venture! :D

Having strange friends in college and going to a pleasantly diverse university for grad school I had an undergrad from Jamaica who insisted I try 'Ginger Beer' from his homeland. Being a ginger ale connoisseur of discerning palate, I excitedly took him up on the offer as his TA. I was hit with more than a

Now I feel that you've hit 10 years I will actually try to write an honest review each week of your 2016 band list. I'm not sure where I'll post it yet but I will sincerely make an effort to get through all of them by the years end. I believe there are over 52, but not more than 104, so it shouldn't be more than 1.5

A.) This movie has had a toxic history since it was made. There were always discussions of the point of the scene and how it was filmed. It was long suspected to be something along these lines.

You do realize it started as a joke about bad teams playing each other and has kind of turned into a running joke….But with Gronk out for the season and the Rams being both amazing and sucking at the same time…Who knows?

>.> As a Duquesne Alumni I'll take the appreciation but I went to both crosstown rivals, Duq for MA, Pitt for PhD. Pitt is definitely more of the traditional big state college types, middle-class, white, mostly from the tri-state region.

They may be recent additions. Blush was the Edison which was the only strip club in city limits for decades. I did the work back in 09 and it looks like Cheerleaders is newer than that. So ordinances may have shifted in that time….

The elf on the shelf is quite possibly the most insidious thing ever to land in America, after you know, white settlers…(I keed, I like being a member of a Superpower.) But what is a Romo on the shelf going to do? Run and tell Jerry Jones if you bought unlicensed Cowboys apparel? Turn on a Giants game to cheer them

We literally have one strip club in the city. Three in the entire county. It's not a big market for strippers.

That's mainly age at this point….It's normal, just go with the flow.

I've spent the better part of a decade watching anti-government films come out and the core of the plot is stopping people like Donald Trump from taking over but the take away for Trumpsters is that Government is Bad, MMKAY….and I can't help but see this coming to fruition over and over again.