
The point was that it was superficial, they attacked each other's appearance as a direct analogy to the 5s they chase being equally superficial…..It wasn't genuinely meant, hence why they weren't being bigots…

>.> You do realize that they were being intentionally sarcastic and ironic, right? The point was that they regained their right to critique, to disagree, to be genuine and honest. They were smiling and becoming excited by the freedom, it's a reflection from the 1.4 earlier, she was never happy chasing the 5s, so

Spanx. Seriously, it was Spanx. In the beginning of the show she is wearing a slimming dress and carefully positioning herself and wearing spanx or some other modestly constricting undergarment.

I'm a month late but I have friends who do that, I try to remind myself to take a few photos or a video or two wherever I'm at somewhere special but I usually just enjoy the moment too much to care. I'm too busy living life to scrawl it large all over social media……I've got towns to paint red, who gives a shit if I

I've seen exactly two episodes of this show but I decided to settle in to watch it tonight while I graded. I got 7 papers scored in an hour….I was basically watching from the half-hour mark on though, once we meet the former 4.6 it becomes an interesting show.

Crazy as it sounds, the face flashing back and forth, the color contrasts, the sex, and identity made me feel like it was going to be OK somehow in that world. That one day the Lacie's and the (unnamed/forgotten man)'s are going to crash that system down on them.

Once again proving that anybody who buys a musical instrument is not automatically a musician nor does getting 1+ person in a room create a band.

No, your argument was based around the presumption it holds true across the board. Everybody who replied to you pointed out that women were shunted into the position, just like women are EXCLUDED from this position. See how this is working out? Women are given a profession that pays less as women take it over more

It's hard to say, but Hayes actually actively worked with Tom Scott of the Penn. RR and acted largely on his behalf. Tilden likely would have taken a more hands off approach as nobody was a friend of labor at the time but the Democrats were definitely untied to the northern yeoman farmers which were the ones who

Hayes also sent Federal Troops in to break the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. Had he not done so and let the railroads fight with the strikers for a long period (there was immense bloodshed in fact, numerous troops were killed as were strikers) the railroads would have likely conceded. Instead, he supported the

You made an outlandish claim to insinuate that men would less likely to be teachers when I pointed out that the example was fallacious to begin with since it ignores the fact that up until about 40 years ago men were the dominant teaching group and only because it shifted to women was due to sexist issues in the first

Is it still a sequel after 9 years? >.>

Really? If anything, I think Season 3 he backslid but he's far from where he was in Season 1…He has a severe issue with selfishness but that;'s the defining characteristic of the show. Everybody else is just as selfish for the most part but a few players who end up loving Bojack because he isn't as unaware as the

I'll rewatch Game of Thrones exactly once, when the series is complete. I'll sit down and watch it go from a political intrigue show into a batshit insane fantasy melodrama with complete cast meltdown (which were now at) and the final 2 seasons that will basically be a series of big long drawn out battle episodes.

My intro classes prove to me that getting 53% of society to vote for president is an amazing turnout….Every semester, intro classes get the same question. Maybe 5 out of 40 can name both senators and their rep. Usually about 15 can name A senator….

Make it clear you're unwilling to cede authority, be polite but competent and don't lose your cool. Also make it a point that if things aren't done you'll be sending their local opponent cash and perhaps getting involved directly. Gerrymandering only works so long as you can guarantee the absolute vote totals are

Sad. but not wholly unexpected. She lived a long lustrous life, godspeed into the next one Florence. You'll always be Ms. Brady to me. :)

It's looking more and more possible we can say that 27/8 was the turning point for a decent series.

Interesting point: If Abe is 86, he was born in 1930. Thus making him 11-15 when he was a hellfish. Then having original context Homer in his mid-20s and later context Homer in his his 40s, then current context Homer in his 50s. Giving him an age really undermines the floating history of the Simpsons. It's even

Is it weird that the real pot is much taller and more cylindrical than the rotund and stout one he managed to graph? It's clear this is a 'thing' but the examples used are just weird, it's clear that his graphing was substantially off the real pot. Some anthropologist will come along and talk about the iconography