
Sad to see an actor I like go, relatively young as well, shame….God Speed, Mr. Nunn, God Speed….

I actually remember Step By Step very fondly and loved watching it as a kid, it did have it's own poochie character that eventually brought it down somewhat but it was always enjoyable. It's odd that two fairly large stars that drove the show (Suzanne Summers & Patrick Duffy) didn't keep it popular going forward but

So insanely late to this party and I get that the principle reasoning here is Sarah Paulson is our star of the series but does it really make any sense if we're to assume the re-enactment has been done as a show-inside-the-show that Rabe to Paulson makes sense? It actually feels like it should be the opposite as

No, I respect that. I think it was ok to put it into context after tigercat's comment. :)

But doesn't that kind of prove the point that nostalgia is tied to our childhood to some extent? How many 60+ year olds who follow Andy Griffith also prop up shows from their 20s or 30s? I would suggest that it's part of an issue of age at the time of the rise and the association they have with it. I would also

Exactly, it wasn't a show with great conflict. Both surprisingly had low stakes, low issue sitcom antics. Drew Carey is arguably better known for Who's Line than his own NAMED sitcom or even for being the host of The Price is Right.

I think Roseanne exposed how we mythologized that group without realizing how little we probably would want to be them. I actually like both shows for different reasons and your point is succinct to those reasons in way.

His backstory was something like a general contractor who ended up on local TV that ended up was a show supposedly like Hometime or This Old House. You really can't tell me that Norm Abrams or Bob Vila are not blue-collar workers even if they have a much larger income that would put them in upper-middle class.

I think people who have that nostalgia aren't nearly as large an internet user base or atleast don't travel in similar circles. It's I think why the '90s kids' didn't latch on it, it really was a show their parents watched they were probably passively enjoyed but weren't tied up in. I mean, look at Allen's career

I suspect it's a combination of a number of things:

Or….You know, her approval ratings only dip when she runs for office then return to sky-high levels. This is pretty much a case of the 'don't have a vagina if you want to be in politics'. We're fine when women win but the fight before they do? Just brutal…

Doesn't surprise me. He's one of the few sole owners/family owners left and he made all his money in his lifetime. I mean, basically he's a car dealership guy who got lucky enough to buy out some smaller banks when the time was right and bought an NFL team. He screams white trash on so many levels and his children

Benson is a self-righteous pompous ass. He bought the team cheap when the NFL wasn't really a license to print money and simply held on to them (really, that happened in the 1990's). He's a used car salesman who got lucky by picking up big profits in growing markets.

Nope. I live in NOLA currently and I think Katrina is talked about atleast once a week by people I meet here. The difference between 9/11 vs. Katrina was if instead of 9/11 taking down two very large symbols in the city they flew 1000 planes into every building in the city. It's left a permanent mark on their

The terminators fell on hard times after Skynet was destroyed for the 5th time. They mostly ended up taking management positions in firms and running out their hundred-year hydrogen cells shuffling paperwork and wondering why Sarah Conner was so hard to kill…

This is getting interesting. I wonder if we're going to see a season-long amount of noise emerge from this. If Teti remains close to math with ELO's flaws it's an intriguing affair and may actually be an issue where there is just that much noise due to small samplings and the constant rotation of league play

I've been to Intercourse, it's actually a truly sedate mid-central PA town. Just nothing like what you hope for or imagine. They get the joke but it does nothing for them since they're mostly ancient old farmers and a few town keeps.

It's a shame to lose him, I love L.A. Confidential and I read the book about a year ago. It's amazingly more dense and much different from the movie in many ways. Basically two storylines get folded into one, two others get dropped all together. It's still a great movie, Ellroy's book would work better as a

How bitter are you as a person? Good lord, how tragic your existence must be. :(

*shrug* whatever gets you off, champ. I gave you the answer you didn't like and now you whine.