
I played volleyball in college, nobody had to do anything to get me to bang my knees except drop a spike down low. But your defense of the dirty player is shallow at best. Least you would let the man with ruined ankles wring your neck instead of Burfict's which is some consolation.

Yep, I find his sexual habits offensive. He shouldn't have pressured those women to have sex and his casual sexual assaults offend me. Hard to accept you didn't get the gotcha you desperately wanted?

Interesting, my fault for misunderstanding their formula. I thought they were accounting for the most egregious injuries. Thanks for the update. :)

Fans of the team do not translate to personal fandom. Nice false dichotomy.

I'm pretty sure their picks are taking that into effect + ELO

They also include week-to-week changes in their actual picking. They include injuries and other core changes. It's still a relatively simple metric they're using to pick, they rarely differ from Vegas significantly.

It was highly parodied and generally seen as overtly shmaltzy…

Force feedback is the biggest hold back to that issue. I see your argument but we're getting there. You can't simulate a hit-for-hit without causing the exact same brain damage you originally caused.

I'm a full blown Steelers/Stillers fan (if you're of that persuasion, I am not. THERE ARE TWO Es YOU BASTARDS!). I'm always happy when Teti throws me a bone and features the home town team. The lack of eye-gouging hatred is publically is a direct edict from the teams. Coach Lewis is from Fort Cherry only and he

True. I will concede that. :D

It would be pretty amazing tech but we're probably about 15 years away from a functional body. It isn't the speed of the transfer, we could resolve most of the video & motion capture but our robotics skills are just really pathetic. Boston Dynamics and their horrific 'there is no god' machines are still rudimentary

They really had the bungles number last week, sorry for the loss. :(

I believe 538 uses ELO scores which are a pretty simple 'back of the napkin' style statistic. Teti should have pretty even stats with them, if he can beat them by a collective +2.5 per-week I would award him the overall trophy. Sorry John, but a +1 average is statistical noise still. :(

So you're a fan of a overhyped hitter who can't be satisfied by simple skill and must make himself known by being a terrible human being as well?

Given that the 2nd film ends with the Joker alive it's quite easy to just do her proper original storyline of her becoming obsessed with him as his counselor and therapist.

Hancock is a movie that would have been perfectly good except for the wife being his ancient lover turning him mortal bit. It just should have been a realistic take on what they did with the Superman franchise now…..Ok…maybe that's not a great example.

You were seriously too sincere and made me worry for your sanity.

They really have an unique sound but I don't think "Maps" was so wildly different, maybe a great deal softer…but then again they were NPR listeners?

Patch Adams is touching until the murder of the semi-love interest who was really a man and happened years into the practice….Is it weird that movie was so part of the lexicon than all at once vanished?

I think I'm one of the three people on this planet that like that movie (I'm with Shamayalan & Bryce Dallas Howard). I haven't seen the trailer in years and now that I looked it up, it's totally a creature feature trailer. It sets up the enemy worg creature (the name eludes me) as some terrible and continuous