
To be fair, the trailers looked really good then we kind of collectively realized that total green screen movies fail horribly.

On your recommendation I'm going to get it on DVD or catch on streaming. That sabotage trailer killed it for me and I didn't see it in theaters. I'm going to have to catch it when I can.

The two that got mentioned in passing immediately jump to mind:

Wouldn't this fall into the same position as the original Tomb Raider did much the same thing? She doesn't hop on enemies heads it seems.

I absolutely loved Gwen but the point of the show wasn't to have Captain Jack & Gwen assemble a new ragtag team every season and just emptying the assemble cast is not something assemble shows do..or atleast shouldn't.

I DVR TCM routinely just because they don't mangle movies. They're getting to that point where they need to split TCM though. One that shows pre-1975 and then a post-1975.

Interesting. I have to ask though, do people seriously sit down and watch a movie on TBS or any of the commercial cable channels anymore? Is that a thing we still do? I remember watching the Star Wars trilogy endlessly on loop on USA/TNT/TBS/Random Cable Channel that got the rights cheap because Lucas was passing

HAHA! I just noticed it….Damn. So, lets say we start that business? I can make a mean Shrimp Po'Boy if you want to handle the slip and fall coverage…

It pulled at my heart strings for having too many people like that in my life except for not being a creepy white child destined to view them as 'family' but also 'other'. It's clear this movie is written to a certain audience but does that audience exist in abundance anymore?

A.) I'm pretty sure the whole 'MTV wants you to watch to sell ads!' is a hollow one. You're posting on a site that wants you to stay to sell more ads.

Because Mike Judge created Daria as a barely there character in Beavis And Butthead? To say he created Daria is a stretch. To say he inserted a bland stereotypical cynic character that got majorly overhauled into an actual well-written character with depth is more accurate.

I'm really not sure how this was ever in doubt? The whole point of the show was that Daria resented her upbringing because her parents were completely caught up in the superficial affairs of their suburban life. This slowly turned her whole persona into a cynic but when people addressed her like that she would

Growing up Catholic and my grandparents tended to keep Friday red-meat free I learned to love fish early and often. Now I can't get enough and I enjoy breaded, broiled, and the like from the sea. But I will always come back to Filet-o-Fish as a nostalgia comfort food. It's not great, it's too greasy most of the

Yeah, it feels like his ability to get projects funded is based on how much he can co-opt sponsorship for filming his flimsy character ideas. Happy Gilmore is the epitome of his original character and story design and it's really a rehash of probably a half-dozen sports films and Caddy Shack.

It's largely due to domesticated cattle and a need to produce cheese as an excess storage method. People without that need have no evolutionary need for it. Plus, we have pretty easy lactose remedies at this point.

No, I pointed out we have sapience. Regardless, your strawman indicates you aren't willing to debate with any actual honesty so good bye.

. . .Going to really try to argue this? An adult cow doesn't have that. An adult human does.

Yes, I do. Do you really think they have an evolved sense of self and social ID? They're working on instinct. Thanks for the irrational and unfounded play on human emotion and associative property of identity.

Didn't the AV Club do a piece on Sandler's ability to get huge product placements to help off-set budgets? Maybe I was reading it elsewhere but the core of it started in the Billy Madison/Happy Gilmore days where they helped underwrite a significant portion of the production cost. Now it seems like they underwrite

Being able to drink milk as an adult is a good way to get safe liquids and store excess calories for future use. If water is full of bad bacteria if not boiled but cow's milk is relatively safe to drink (raw milk can carry some bad stuff but nothing compared to a stagnant lake or pond). Also as we found out you can