
My students like to follow Reddit for various political issues and I tell them every semester to NEVER go there. Reddit is the absolute worst place for broad-based information like that. Too many people with too little knowledge expressing vastly undercooked positions. I've frequented it a few times for smaller

Except Democracy as we understand it is a heavily filtered republican model. Absolute Democracy as you're describing is mob rule and places like Reddit are prime examples of how small and focused mobs can subjugate entire populations. Up & Down voting in most systems is pointless since it becomes a circle jerk

It was an adopted daughter, so because he didn't technically adopt her makes my statement legally false but from a practical sense still true. It's debating whether or not Allen spent years raising her in a parent-child relationship and then saying because he never filed the paperwork it isn't really his child.

What was there to counter? He made a series of subjective statements and twists of legality to ignore the generally understood position Allen put himself in. He committed to character assassination in defense of Allen and I pointed that it was creepy.

Sad day for character actors everywhere. He reminds me of my dad so much in a good way, I'm glad I still have him around. Godspeed, Mr. Polito…

Allen defenders are creepy…sorry.

Doctor madam Bogira. And come on, you know it's true in your heart of hearts….look deep.

Oh look, Best in Show is now just taking the dogs out and replacing it with mascots….

Production costs + fewer companies holding purse strings + known entities = rehashes.

Razor-sharp? Ok, that's a stretch. He had some solid films in him and he's perfectly fine at hammering out spec-scripts. He could genuinely be one of the great unsung heroes of script doctors but to call his wit razor-sharp? that's just hyperbole on the best of days.

It was the 1980s, breast cancer had just come to prominence as something to be checked for less than a decade prior. It was the casual sexism that really kept them from searching for her symptoms harder. Had she gotten ovarian cancer in the 1990s she likely would have had it found much sooner due to technological

The constipation kind of acts like that as a fill-in….It's tragic either way.

Had Radner lived she and Wilder would have probably made movies well into the early 2000s before retiring to lighter work. We were robbed of a bright light because doctors didn't take women's health seriously even then. Only now is it becoming more widely understood and considered upfront. It's frustrating to think

Training Day? He's done a lot of work with Washington and they work well together. You have a right to dislike him but he has a style that works for many more.

Training Day? He's done a lot of work with Washington and they work well together. You have a right to dislike him but he has a style that works for many more.

I'm going to go see it. I took some time out in my mid-20s after my spouse passed and thought about becoming a nun (a teaching nun most likely, I had advanced degrees then) but I decided against it. This movie speaks to me in a weird way and I know it's going to be the standard indie fare but I'll take it…It looks

Depends on the show. The one I saw did the same thing but I've heard of less advanced ones just doing a regular curtain call. In the original movie the faces of the victims would appear as sunflower type flowers on the plant.

Hehe…..Oh, you made me laugh out loud. Thank you. :)

It wasn't a bad movie from what I recall but The World's Greatest Lover was such a masterpiece with Carol Kane.

Cleavon Little is the Sheriff, Pryor did have a writing credit.