
To me it was the first time Wonka broke character, released his true identity and accepted he was a tired old man. It still hits me every time I watch the movie because he's scary and loving but he never stops smiling and being the epitome of a host. Those lines, those are the ones that expose how old and worn he

I just wrote a response upthread about how his response to Charlie & Uncle Joe and in particular his 'Good Day, Sir' line encapsulates his sheer magnetic personality and ability. Willy Wonka is forever Wilder, a man who never lost the wonder of childlike innocence and who enjoyed life to the fullest.

Is it weird that such a short line has taken on a life of its own? It wasn't as if so many others have said it but it was Wilder's presence in that moment that made that line into something people repeat and brings upon such emotion. It never defined his career but it encapsulated his ability to be both manic,

He was such an amazing actor and he'll be greatly missed. I'll always see him as Willy Wonka, but his work in Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, & The World's Greatest Lover (probably his most underrated movie) really had him shine. He had a good long run and lived more lives than most of us ever will.

But that became a terrible 90's and early-2000's trope of 'grimdark' endings for 'realism'. It really only stopped being a super-common thing probably in the mid-2000s.

Instead of Beetljuice being eaten by the Sandworm, he successfully marries Lydia and murders everybody. That's the 'Director's cut' equivalent. It's completely within reason if you want to take it to the true dark place but it ruins the film.

This is the killer and everybody is mentioning it. I've seen Little Shop performed on stage and the death ending is much more campy and far less cruel in person. The plant in the show I saw was extremely high quality but had a much more inherent 'muppet' vibe which I think was intentional. The movie took what was a

Actually it technically isn't an ad hominem attack since they're placing your argument within a greater context. You yourself are directly attacking a whole class of people with basically your opinions so you're fair game to the system to be implemented as a complicit actor.

MADNESS! PURE MADNESS! Soon dogs will be marrying cats and we'll all have to wear orange jumpsuits….

Crunch bars = Chocolate + Crispy puffed rice. It's rice krispies in a bar.

Sad to see him pass but at 94 he had a good long run. I enjoyed him on L&O so much and he really represented a very honest interpretation of an actual DA. His weary take on politics gave his character a life that made it palpable.

Back in the late 1970s commercial jet flights to Australia from the US became cheap, cheap enough to justify middle-class Americans to fly to Australia on vacation. So for the next several years the Australia Tourism Board used Paul Hogan and others to promote Australia and they pulled out every crappy stereotype

That's my whole issue, where the henchwoman comes in at the end of the show and addresses the carnage with another henchman clearly indicating the tick is a person independent of Arthur. I think it was just muddled writing and probably spending the first season with the Tick almost always just off-scene with other

His costume isn't nearly as bulky and Warburton's head is square like a box. His voice isn't as deep but Serafinowicz actually cuts a pretty imposing figure but his skin is too rough for what I picture….

Wow, really? Going to call out the Animated Series? Both of Batman and the Tick were fundamentally better than their live action counterparts.

The irony here is that she's chasing down a mid-80's Mustang which without extensive aftermarket parts is bog slow compared to her Town and Country/Pacifica. Her minivan is arguably faster than a mid-90's mustang still….

Keystone = Pennsylvania
Jersey = New Jersey
Empire City = NYC

Reading his essay made me want to take him to the woodshed and make him sit through my Race & Politics class. He totally miscues much of Garnet's strong personality (and given the fact that Pearl & Garnet are both human-hued they clearly represent some overt racial stereotypes) and attributes way too many

Given that the appearance of gender in Gems is a function of it being a show and not about sexuality per se, undercuts any and all 'queer baiting' arguments plus they already have Garnet (a fusion of two smaller female gems), Pearl recently admitting she lost the love/never had the love of Rose to Greg, and a

Care to provide citation for this? I'm intrigued to see where this came from since if anything the mid-90s brought the rise of bubblegum pop again in a more cyclical nature than anything to do with the TCA. All the research i've read is about writing shorter and shorter hooks that catch people to a station rather