
It is the ultimate masterpiece of TftC. I still watch it every few years when it's on and enjoy it. CCH Pounder is so underrated in it and she really has broken out as a career character actor after that.

Shadow = Alec Baldwin, a cult classic for trying to go further noir than Batman but also having a yellow menace story (I tend to forgive because GK is atleast played by an asian….)

Interesting, I take it as it got to heavy petting and all but Greg couldn't consummate it for various reasons.

But there is a problem where the very person who arguably saved your existence suddenly being attacked. There are pretty solid instances in human war where soldiers wouldn't kill doctors who patched them up. That act was one of desperation for a ruby who was suffering the reality of the situation and falling back on

I think amethyst and him had a weird thing after Rose left/died but sex? It's kind of implied but i'm more comfortable believing Greg stopped himself.

Yes, Estelle is black and the rest of the cast is Asian, their voice work doesn't read so and Pearl is pale with orange hair and amethyst is purple. Bismuth is a soft purple but has dreads…it's all in the presentation.

Yeah, I didn't like the fact that as they introduced a PoC gem that she was put into a 'black power' position that makes the whole issue more complicated…

It's more like having a servant, pearls have their own identity but in a tightly knit caste system ownership is irrelevant if you're a bottom rung.

Steven seems to be actual flesh and blood rather than a hard light projection. Removing his gem is likely fatal. Think of it as a magic 2nd heart, get either of them and he dies.

Ouch, I did roughly the same, burned through all of Bojack then started SU. It seriously made me happy I didn't do in reverse…

It's one thing to kill a leader, they have ideological goals and have no compunction about sparing your life. It's a whole other kettle of fish to start murdering every Tonya, Diane, and Harriet because they're in your way. I think Bismuth sought to exploit Rose's one exception into a new way of war. It's pretty

Our phone booths are all gone, they disappeared somewhere between 1995-2005. We really have no place for arcades without a hefty dedicated space. There are great places for Arcades still in places like Dave and Busters but few places want to invest the money and space into making a proper arcade and price it

Tilt is probably lighter than L7, Cinder definitely has a more melodic voice. I just get the sense that both of them appealed to a certain demographic for hard rock that pitchfork didn't care for. It's like how they portrayed themselves as living in a warehouse in Seattle when their writers all went home to the

It's pretty clear Tina Fey or Seth Myers are the likeliest candidates. Lorne didn't really know Conan all that well and had been a Simpsons writer after SNL when he came back…and the whole Tonight Show debacle.

Mr. Lady addressed Trans issues before just about anybody I can think of off the top of my head and while it is a bit cheeky it represents a positive view.
I do agree, places like Pitchfork would have found the Ramones too working class when they emerged…

Exactly! I just didn't want to throw out a reference folks wouldn't get.

No, I don't think that, I think that's what SNL wanted…

Smokey is confused but Steven seems to create natural stability, he is a calm assertive identity, loving but also surprisingly firm when he has to be. His gumption and Amethyst's willpower makes Smoky deceptively strong (and the choice of coloring was interesting, I could write a treatise on how Garnet and now Smoky

Just look up Che's WU on youtube, it may not be worth giving the rest of the episodes a shot but atleast it will wash the taste from your mouth a bit I'm sure. :)

I haven't seen them live but I did listen to WoW for the last year or so, I'm not a big hardcore listener but it's awesome to appreciate what they're doing.