
People overcome it by re-stretching their stomach overtime. I had a co-worker who did that. 

please god, 5 more season of The Tick

Business Analyst Unit?

Check out the astrolabe in the opening sequence as well. lots of interesting imagery hidden there.

Sure. then what.

Now playing

This is basically small level Aussie Rules Football. If you’ve never seen it, it’s awesome. I can watch it without knowing anything about the sport and marvel at the stuff they do.

People were surprised because they don’t care to know what the innerworkings of the parties are until the presidential elections come around. Superdelegates have been around for a while. Both parties marshal around who they believe to be their strongest candidate. Look at the GOP and how they are asking potential

meh those leaks were going to come out anyway. guccifer 2.0 had a wordpress page. 

Good thing? Sure but it’s nothing we didn’t already know when the DNC instated super delegates after Walter Mondale lost in a landslide in the 80s. And we see the DNC pulling this shit again with the new progressives.

That the military knew that they killed two reuters journalists and covered it up. 

As much as Assange sucks, it’s not great that he might be going down for the only good thing he did: exposing a war crime committed by the US.


No more children of politicians on TV please.

HERE maps was amazing for when I traveled abroad to Iceland and New Zealand. I used it every time I travel now.

It seemed stupid for Sephora and TreSemme to pull their sponsorship. She wasn’t being sponsored for her degree. 

That’s literally the argument many MAGA heads I know have used to defend Trump. “He’s just trying to make america great again. At least he’s trying.

I think it’s a golf thing. It’s slightly chilly but you need the arm mobility. Although personally I thought it was a way to get out of ironing your shirts. 

We call those fratagonia vests. 

I want the Godzilla and Raiden paintings. 

This is for porn.