
The Daily did a great episode on Lindsay Graham. He’s essentially always been a coattails rider. He basically became friend with John McCain for that purpose and is now Trump’s whipping boy for the very same reason. If Trump falls he scramble to find his next master.

Ilhan Omar never said “impeach the motherfucker.” That was Rashida Tlaib. 

This is free with spotify so can’t really complain about ads. you can pay extra to go ad free. 

He’s right. The link between white violence against muslim immigrants is indisputable. If whites can’t stop killing muslim immigrants we’ll have to build a wall to keep whites out, for the safety of all.

Im all for ending that naivety that leads to tolerating the intolerant, but again, this was an australian man who came to new zealand to kill these people.

This is absolutes NOT a reflection of a New Zealand so you can take that shit somewhere else. This was an Australian who came into New Zealand to kill muslims

There is absolutely a gender bias. A family member of mine is a cop in NYC and he told me that a detective once told him 90% of reports of rapes were just “women regretting the night before.” I asked what evidence did that guy have and he said “he could just tell.”

I asked on a subreddit about PoC owned CBD companies and got a bunch of downvotes.

Bit of a spoiler saying Thanos is the bad guy. 

Catnip cocktail is becoming a favorite amongst people on probation because as of now it doesn’t show up on any drug tests.

I go to the gym across from street from there. I was surprised about the catnip cocktail. Not at all surprised about the growth hormone or the handgun and rifle magazines. 

This is awesome. Thank you. 

Cool. What was your discord username?

To me the show has become a nice diversion in anticipation of the books which is the real story. 

It’s sad we have to market these to men by saying they should steal them from their girlfriend. You should be able to market this the same way you do to women by telling them their face sucks and needs to be better/younger.

It’s sad we have to market these to men by saying they should steal them from their girlfriend. You should be able

We know Qyburn has an interest in the undead. It’s no great leap to think Cersei might try to work a similar deal the way Craster did.

I once bought a pair of orthotics that I had to bake in the oven, then put in my shoe and stand in for 5 minutes. Those were amazing but I can’t seem to find them anymore.

I won a pair of Rowkin Surges in a contest and they’ve been great so far.

Maybe it’s for season 2 of The Widow.