
nah jk i’m in constant pain always and don’t care at all”

the computer calculations are just verifying all transfers of the currency of the blockchain. by doing this you are rewarded with the cryptocurrency.

Wow a comedian coping with the embarrassment of a breakup by making jokes. Who could have ever seen this coming. 

you can select ignore or show me fewer on every post you see and see how the algorithm handles it.

I work in the financial sector and the people I work with that support him think: 1) He’ll cut regulations. 2)He’ll cut taxes. 3)He’ll cut down on illegal immigration. Not all of them care about 3 but the loudest/dumbest ones tend to. The ones that believe 1 and 2 think everything else is a distraction and media hype. 

Just another reminder that the McCain’s are pieces of shit. Sure John McCain was a war hero who wanted to rob poor people of healthcare and voted with Trump 95% of the time. But sure, love them cause they scorn Trump.

I have explained that to people and their response is “you only want them to vote because they’ll vote democrat.” and there’s no reasoning with people like that. These are the same people who say you have constitutionally protected right to own any gun you want un-impeded, but in their minds you don’t have a

wtf is a glass purse?

Wow a white supremacist AND a domestic abuser? What were the odds?

To be fair, the Supreme Court’s decision was limited. They ruled that the baker didn’t receive a fair trial because of inherit bias on the part of the judge. They didn’t rule that everyone can start discriminating. 

He’s just protecting his social class. 

What about fetishizing his wife’s size made him an authority on being a “creative disruptor?”

I dont think it has to be deep. Horniness is rarely deep. 

An Italian who doesn’t respect women? Crazy!

This shit still happens. A member of my family told me she witnessed this in highschool. 

You don’t have to be talented to insult someone. You’re proof of that. 

I had assume Nagini’s transformation into an old lady was a polyjuice type transformation. Not a transformation because of her own ability, as it was a trap laid for Harry Potter. 

imagine thinking women in videos games is an attack on you. Cry more and harder. 

Yup and with free speech we have the right to call them out on their rape culture enabling jock ass hole caricatures that people in real life take as being authentic and definitely copy in real life because they think it’s edgy and cool. 

Dropping your mom home after a date.