
From years of playing rugby, most shorts i see for sale feel to long for me. give me mid thigh everyday.

ITT: This is a product i don’t like so the people that made it are fucking stupid. 

Adidas had a whole training system with sensors that would give you data like that, called Miadidas. after a few years they shuttled the program. I wonder if they’re just re-purposing the parts they already had.

swallow 7 D batteries. 

I love the woman rolling her eyes in the deadlift video.

That poop advice is legit.

ok but what haircut am i supposed to get now.

the supplements you list here are marketed more for general health. Vitamin C for immune system, Calcium for stronger bones, Vitamin D3 is, well, supposed to be a panacea, and multivitamins aimed at preventing deficiencies from a poor diet. Most people take them for general health but there are other supplements

This isn’t even a new concept. Robin Morgan wrote about sexual frustration driving men into terrorism in 1989 in her book The Demon Lover: The Roots of Terrorism. Of course an ass hat like Peterson thinks the conclusion is enforced monogamy and not ending this entitlement fallacy.

I wonder if people are upset by linking poker to psychology. whelp I guess I’ll never know. nope no butt hurt comments here about that link, no sirree.

Overpopulation is typically a wealthy person’s talking point:

Coinbase is pretty strict with closing accounts anyway. They closed my account when I used my coinbase wallet to make a purchase. They don’t have an appeals process either. This is just how they work. But, you know, soviet assets gonna asset.

shitty men in the gaming industry. wow. who would have though.

Hmm the US not being Eurpoean. Wow. Who would have thought. Oh I know who, the people that lived here before Europeans got here!

Yes, start with the subsidies that help citizen rather than the subsidies that make shitty food cheaper in the first place that are the corporate welfare you’re talking about...

I read this after watching the Paterno movie (not on purpose). There are no words for how much Igrieve for what the victims have lost in their lives because of what’s been done to them. I was also thinking about how many people in my lives, I have come to discover later in life, were victims of child sexual assault