
citation needed.

He issued an apology.

I am very liberal with giving out my data, yes, but in my defense I have literally won a phone, an xbox, $1000 amex giftcard, and various free samples of protein powders as a result and I honestly don’t think I will stop doing it.

What I hated about the book was the hamfisted way it used nostalgia. I didn’t like the book at all until the quest begins. The quest and the relationships Wade makes along the way were what I liked the most and this seems like it’s going to cast those by the wayside in order to shoe horn as many intellectual

She broke a specific law which is why she might be going to jail. She’s not going to jail simply for her opinions.

That’s weird because I heard on NPR a few months back how Jane Walker was supposed to be a limited release to honor one of their master blenders who is a woman who had been there for a very long time. They didn’t talk about it being a marketing push for women.

Hey Damore, welcome to the comments!!

Dammit, I need one for a 70" TV.

Dammit, I need one for a 70" TV.

Predator. It’s always Predator.

I was annoyed at the nudity until I realized the point that they were trying to make. These people have completely hedonistic lives because they can jump from sleeve to sleeve. The body is essentially meaningless for those who can afford new sleeves and when they no longer care for their own body, they will cease to

There are a lot of rip offs now as well. Cash Show offers similar payout, $2500 but a few more times per day than HQ, as well as tiered payouts. The Q is the lower budget rip off as well only offering $100. Are they all just building audiences to eventually sell to advertisers?

While there was a high profile study comissioned by Nike that purported to show it didn’t work as a performance enhancer, there have been studies showing it has an effect on recovering from games and workouts. I think the x factor is how long you have to wear it post-workout to really benefit. I just like that it

While there was a high profile study comissioned by Nike that purported to show it didn’t work as a performance

Do they not think people will drink twice as much to get half as drunk? Because they will!

It think it’s forcing breweries to make 50% strength beer just to sell in Utah that made them a laughing stock before this.

i got one as a wedding gift. it’s apparently a very popular wedding gift.

I heard a story on NPR about something similar to this. But it wasn’t for porn, it was for using audio to make it sound like someone said something they didn’t. Not a far leap to also be worried about machine learning AI making video that does the same thing.

Why not just use your crockpot like a sous vide? You won’t get the taste.

I played a team out of Reno that was all Samoans. They were beastly on the field. But they were Mormon so not so much fun to drink with. Good blokes though.

My wife and I had to do Pre-Cana and “God’s Plan” classes in order to get married at a catholic church and they pushed this app hard. Even when my wife told them she has to take birth control pills because of ovarian cysts they were like “Oh we have a product that helps with cysts and isn’t a contraceptive” and she