
maybe not an uzi, but take your pick.

this is a strawman. no one is telling you to buy crypto. you keep defaulting to this.

mother! is The Room of Arronofsky films.

This is great. Or it would have been, for me, if you had written it 2.5 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was talking about the very specific usage of this new eGpu with laptops. This is not an issue any other PC would normally encounter, so using it as an example of why you moved off PC is a little disingenuous. But at the same time, console gaming is very fun.

um...what? this has nothing to do with normal pc use.

Evangelicals used to believe in a woman’s right to choose. They even had textual evidence for it in the old testament. Then they made a pact with the northern catholics when they formed the moral majority and agreed to support their view of life at inception.

Vampire Masquerades is legit.

Vampire Masquerades is legit.

Yes, the documentary 13th warrior was about this. Thank you.

You are wrong, movie was great, you can learn language by reading lips, as shown in the documentary 13th warrior.

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I heard about this in the movie 13th warrior, which I now affirm as fact thanks to this article.

Same. I mean I built one as well and used to say this all the time until i realized i was being that person.

I’ve described it as “The Room” of Aronofsky films. People were laughing in the theater at how absurd it was when I saw it.

I have that baker’s rack and it is an absolute godsend for tiny kitchens. It doubled my countertop space for cooking.

I have that baker’s rack and it is an absolute godsend for tiny kitchens. It doubled my countertop space for

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This is one of my favorite videos VICELAND did covering white supremacists. It just touched on how awful, awkward, warped, and down right confusing this ideology can be.

please don’t please don’t.