
It’s sort of keeping within the Whedonverse that someone we thought was great was pretty much not (except Buffy, she is always great).

I had a Nokia Lumia 1020 and I loved it. The winphone OS was very intuitive and easy to use. If they had made it easier to port apps over I’m sure it would have been a contender. They even had an update that temporarily allowed you to install android apps , that was almost immediately disabled. It’s a shame. But Im

I thought the difference was one used Splenda and the other one didn’t. But I have absolutely no reason to care either way. Seltzer FTW!

you’re right i mis-remembered. he attacked her, sliced off her ear and scarred her face.

In the books, Dorne still has the Dark Star. Although he also kidnapped Myrcella and she’s still alive, so lord knows whats happening bookwise right now.


I’m gonna raz the infosec guys at my job so hard now.

It’s not as simple as that. Most good infosec policies enforce regularly password changes, mix of letters numbers and symbols, can’t be the last 3-4 previous passwords, etc. Most likely spear phishing.

Considering his previous movies, you didn’t think this guy was filled to the brim with whimsy? That outfit makes complete sense for Taika and I love it.

That’s so weird. It’s almost like comedy is subjective.

Wasn’t aware that only athletes tore tendons.

Because industry doesn’t seriously want to put a stop on illegal immigration. Do you think industrial farming wants to? Or the restaurant and hotel industry? Or construction? Get with it, these industries want to put a “clamp down” on illegal immigration so they can fleece the undocumented that already work in the US.

Fred perry shirts. Then look, all of a sudden they decide they want to wear doc martens. And then look, they keep their beards, but shave their heads. Same BS, different time.

What entitled cluelessness did Amelia Earhart have?

Wow, it’s almost like people,as a whole, have different and varied interests.

I’d really love a constitution literacy bill that requires all governors to brush up.

I disagree with you

Dangerous is so on the nose with what he’s trying to portray himself as. Might as well call the book “unique person.”

I disagree with you.

If they’re priced right ICGAF what they’re called.