
Nice write up-- but I think your story would be improved if you omitted any pictures of the car’s exterior...... Perhaps just have pics of the interior....

There was also one episode where Cosby hosted a bbq, and Cosby had a secret bbq sauce recipe that was renown for making people horny.. In the episode, as the bbq was wrapping up, Claire noticed how people always seemed to be more amorous after his bbq’s.. Cosby then confided to her (with his signature wink and smile)

I’ve chatted with several bmw boxer owners with 400k+ miles on their bikes. I also know a guy with 200k on his ducati....

Between drivers of bro-dozers or prius’, I don’t think it’s the prius drivers with the insecurity issues....

I could use doing some of this.....

I was looking for a GTI a few years back and found a nice CPO’d 2007 with only 36K miles and a spotless carfax at a VW dealership in Atlanta.

It’s worth mentioning that Putin ALSO hacked the RNC’s emails... And the word on the street is that as long as the Republicans don’t get out of line, whatever embarrassing content* is within the RNC’s emails won’t become public.....

Dude Brah! Burnouts! Letz kill some tirez!! Sickness!!

Another A+ write-up. Nice job homie!

Ugh.. don’t even..

Nah, that’s only for the poors.

Beautiful? Yeesh.. I just see her dad’s jowls and her fucking weird giraffe neck..... And even if I thought she was beautiful, fuck that family with a sideways pineapple.

Love me some Duc’s. And I think this looks like a great bike.. But I kinda wish they’d packaged it to look more like the 900 Supersports.......

I was thinking of heading down to the Fisher towers next weekend... but it now sounds like the desert might of been totally obliterated..

I have to chuckle anytime I hear someone say they were “conquering” something in the natural world; be it some mountain summit, rock wall, surf break, whatever... Yeah, that desert has been there for millions of years and is gonna be there for millions of years after we’re all dead and forgotten- but you totally

I have to chuckle anytime I hear someone say they were “conquering” something in the natural world; be it some mountain summit, rock wall, surf break, whatever... Yeah, that desert has been there for millions of years and is gonna be there for millions of years after we’re all dead and forgotten- but you totally

Well, I thought the trailers for the Force Awakens were better than the actual movie... so perhaps this time they’re changing tact......?

She reminds me of Sarah Palin..... “great” at pivoting and reciting her 10-12 rehearsed talking points; but the second she’s in a (non-fawning) interview, her abject ignorance is just glaring.