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Unilever is the fucking worst. At the height of their shitty Axe ads (remember animalistic women in string bikinis running at a man after he sprayed that garbage on himself, or women pole dancing against a waterpipe because they can smell a man showering with Axe?), they took advantage of women’s and girls’

If no harm is intended, how come “mistakes” like these never happen in reverse? Why doesn’t the redhead turn into a black woman too if all they want to do is show their product works on everyone? Anyways why wouldn’t it work for everyone, it’s soap.

As someone who’s in marketing, I echo your statement.

I worked in advertising (I no longer do because it’s evil and adds nothing of value to the world but I digress), and an ad like that by a huge company like Dove (or the parent company Unilever) goes through a LOT of people. This was not a handful of tone deaf idiots, this was a lot of tone deaf idiots. Baffles the

I’m definitely agreeing that that’s not a good thing.

If the Generals McMasters and Mattis are keeping Trump in check that means that the military is kind of in control of the U.S government.

That seems to be a common theme with pols, especially R pols. I know it’s because of money/reelection, but I always wonder if they realize their constituents would like them a whole lot better if they had spines and weren’t just blobbing around waiting for someone else to take a fucking stand.

It’s a shame he managed to grow a spine after he decided to retire?

I know right! If your costar is older than you but looks ten years younger than you, maybe petty behavior is not for you!

Now this is the most important SATC comment of today. That black eyeliner has GOT TO GO. SJP you have small eyes; smoky all over kohl is not for you!!! Do we need to take out a billboard in Times Square?! Who are her girlfriends? Makeup artists?

Which is soooo dumb, I mean Cattrall out of all of these women was known as a a beauty, she literally and very famously played a mannequin FFS, so what if she’s a bit older, she’s still the classic model type among that cast. Ugh, I know Kristin and Cynthia probably want no part of this side-taking silliness either.

Titanic 2 could totally be done.

That’s a hoot. Of the 4 of them, SJP is the one aging, well let’s just say, not nearly as well as the other 3. Would someone please rip that black eyeliner out of SJP’s hands and throw it away.

The rumor on Blind Gossip alluded to the birthday scene in the last movie, and how it was included only to pettily emphasize the age difference between Cattrall and the other ladies. And that this was one of the reasons Cattral didn’t want to do the 3rd movie. Good on her. The series is utter garbage.

The most galling tweet was the guy who told Kim Cattrell actors owe it to fans to be in whatever productions the fans want.

Cynthia Nixon had signed on for a third helping of this turdfest while she’s deciding whether or not to run for governor of New York? I’d need to see the receipts on Cattrall being the only one not interested in this.

That’s the face of someone who’s had to deal with two people who hate each other using her as their vent about the other person.

Get me out of here, send help

Anyone who saw the execrable “Sex and the City 2" has to know Cattrall is doing the right thing (not just for herself but for her castmates as well).