Bob Hope's Sex Machine

this exchange on twitter was terrible.

My goddess... the man even rapes POTTED PLANTS.

“Get thee behind me Satan!” Bow chick a bow wow.

What would Jesus do?

sex should only take place in such a marriage

“It’s sort of the equivalent of them wanting you to delete their embarrassing tweets.”

Please tell me you plan to tell them to fuck off.

Have they called Equifax to see if they can fix their problem?

Search the Datalounge threads....there’s TONS of stuff about Singer on there.

doubt it. they’re friends

god i want the singer dirt so bad

I’m sort of shocked he didn’t trade Bryan Singer details as a way to get out of this.

Mrs. Fatone for the win

I misread your first line as a fat joke.

I tend to agree, but Gwyneth is on the record stating that he asked her for favors that weren’t great for her, but she did them - including the famous S&M shoot for Talk magazine when it launched.

Yes, and what a remarkable coincidence that those colleagues were all women under 30, and totally normal to demand those women have meetings with you in a hotel room. It’s how all business was conducted until 2007 or so, in hotel rooms.

I always believed it because look at her career before she came into contact with Harvey. She was doing bit parts and Lifetime movies. That’s with the Spielberg connection.

I came of age in the 60s and 70s how am I supposed to know typewriters don’t send email?

I’ve never believed the Gwyneth rumors just because she was born with Hollywood connections. You don’t have to sleep with a producer for a role when your godfather is King Spielberg.

Harvey TOTALLY bought her that Oscar, though, sexual favors or not.

I’m so glad this is all finally coming out into the open. Rose McGowen hinted that he was the one who raped her. Right after she started to publicly talk about her rape, naked pictures of her were leaked. I don’t think that was a coincidence. Harvey has abused his power for years. The rumors about everyone from