Bob Hope's Sex Machine

1. They aren’t babies.

No one asked for your permission to engage in sexual activity.

I hate that I can only star your post once.

I would have let him do it and then for $50,000,000 I’d have let someone pay to have fuck put before David Geffen.

Normally I agree with you but as someone who’s been going to the Met since I was a kid, I have to disagree strongly.

Kate Bush doesn’t likely give a single fuck. Though she deserves to be there because so much of what we see now in pop and rock comes from her influence. Nina Simone would have likely slapped your face for even suggesting she was doing rock n’ roll.

I have a huge personal stake in this, so forgive me if I get emotional, but.....arghhh. I think you’re missing a lot here. I had a termination at 13 weeks for a fetal malformation, and joined a support group of many women who were forced to do the same. I was comparatively “lucky,” because my abnormality was SO

I have no issue with people giving money to the arts, especially when governments are constantly stripping away funding. Only giving to the arts is a bit lopsided in the charitable category, but...

If they start naming vaccines after him we could end disease.

You know, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing if given the opportunity. Naming rights to concerts halls and the like, that is. But why in the hell would I want it named after myself? How tasteless.

Plants are capable of some sort of distress, from what I remember, but, could be working off out outdated information. Not clear on if they feel “pain” so to speak.

If you offer prayers for these victims but are unwilling to consider any meaningful changes to how America regulates guns, you are a POS. Hiding behind Jesus to avoid honestly confronting the ways you harm your fellow humans makes you a hypocrite and a bigger POS.

Black people absolutely cannot win. If you happen to be struggling, then it’s all your fault, but if you get into Harvard, it’s because of white charity and has nothing to do with your merits. It’s fucking maddening.

Uh-oh, an international university where only 49.1% of the incoming freshman are white... clearly there must be something afoot.

Whenever I think of Harvard I’m like “There’s a school with way too many black kids.” Keep fighting the good fight, you dicks.

It’s an outright lie. I’ve always responded with “If you don’t see color than you don’t see ME.” That usually shuts them up.

“I don’t see color” makes me see red, because it’s the most insidious of the group. Like, if you’ve never thought about culture, it sounds good a first blush, but it’s super, super harmful and an utter lie.

Consolation prizes to:

If some nice white folks start getting visits from ICE, they might have to discontinue it...

Never forget folks, the Gestapo couldn’t work without regular “good” German’s cooperation. Same applies for every secret police agency ever. People will use their petty grievances and hates against their neighbors every time they get a chance, because people: Are shit.