Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Bundy situation: heavily armed; threatening federal agents; wanted to accomplish political change. Certainly sounds like terrorism.

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Have you checked the credits for the names B. Drummond or J. Cauty? After all, the 23 years has passed…

I have a request - take the fucking channel off the air and feed it to the shark it jumped a decade ago…

You can either call for a truce or you can try to get people to admit they are wrong.

As a young person in the 80's there was nothing more exciting than watching MTV as cable became more available in households. Now I’m not sure what their subscriber fee is or how they keep their services afloat.


“I think if you look to Chicago, where you had over 4,000 victims of gun-related crimes last year, they have the strictest gun laws in the country. That certainly hasn’t helped there.”

They should have just set the money that it cost to produce this on fire.

White people dying isn’t going to change gun laws. Sandy Hook and Columbine didn’t change anything. If you think so, you’re looking at the wrong end of the gun. The only thing that might change gun laws is if POC started doing the shooting, but since mass shootings seems to be a white people thing, don’t expect gun

This. If it were only up to them, they’d shoot to the literal last person.

The usual excuse is “feral hogs” which, while very dangerous, don’t need quite that kinda firepower.

“Also tucked in the the legalization of armor piercing bullets, so long as they are marketed for ‘sporting purposes.’” Yeah, because you know Bambi is kitted out in full fucking Kevlar as she gambols around the meadow. Fucking lunatics are in charge right now.

Does not surprise me in the slightest.

They ban guns at their meeting. No joke. Their meetings are “gun free zones.”

Just gonna drop this here and then go finish my rage stroke

If you’re asking non-rhetorically, my answer would be that there isn’t a threshold. So long as these events prove to be profitable for gun manufacturers and sellers, the NRA will keep lobbying and politicians will continue to reap the benefits. There’s no financial incentive for our so-called leaders to do what is

When you get whites together in groups you see the thug element. It’s in their nature. It’s rare you can get large groups of whites together without some sort of violence. When you throw in this country “music” which promotes drinking and glorifies white thugary you have what you have on Sunday.

The messed up thing is that we won’t see. The last two white men in America would have to shoot each other to stop this.

It doesn’t have to have political aims to be terrorism.

Didn’t see ‘son of a bitch’ in there, either. Interesting, that.