Bob Hope's Sex Machine

There’s no “likely” about it. Trump absolutely knows that “wartime” presidents get higher approval ratings and nearly guaranteed reelection.

But apparently he didn’t call them bitches, so he’s a national hero.

I wisely neglect to comment on #PaulaDeen but I say my husband is disgusted with her.

I’m totally shocked that a man who made his career objectifying women would abuse them and treat them as disposable. Shocked.

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf.

You just reminded me...I wonder how my Puerto Rican/Cuban in-laws who voted TRUMP are feeling now.

“They think they’re gonna fine or fire Curry? LEBRON?

Debt that he contributed to with that defaulted golf course deal. HE’S FUCKING GOLFING RIGHT NOW WHILE PEOPLE ARE DYING.

Fun Fact, he’s part of the reason PR is in such debt. When his resort down there went belly up, it left the government with a yuuuuuuge unpaid tax bill.


pfftt...Who needs Twitter?

Required to stand? No problem.

The NBA has had to struggle for sixty years... juggling the fact that so much of its talent is black, with the fact that so much of the American fanbase is white supremacist. They’ve tried to avoid being “too black” and keep their TV contracts, etc, so this is pretty much par for the course. Remember, this league

The only statue in Baltimore that could use more protection is Joe Flacco.

Hopefully no one takes a stab at trying to remove it.

I didn’t really think before about how that type of belief leads straight to a “divine right” monarchy. I was always a WASP of the “God is love” liberal variety of religion, so the whole authoritarian God is foreign to me.

That’s right he needs immunity too. Someone should draw up an offer fast before we get nuked.

Add immunity and the answer is absolutely, yes.

I keep wondering: if all (or at least, most) of the countries in this world would pool together a few billion dollars, and offer it to Trump in exchange for resigning, do you think he’d do it? Personally, I think he’d at least consider it.