Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Rod Serling would think this was too far fetched.

And because there’s no Trump hotel there.

The sad part is Trump doesn’t drink

The sad part is Trump doesn’t drink—he’s this bad on Diet Coke.

And you what the most bizarre part of this is...I agree with their statement.

I shook my head in shame for the country when I saw a NYT headline that was something like, “So, what is a dotard anyway?”

I guarantee that at least 85% of this country never heard of the word “dotard”prior to Kim Jong Un using it. Threat of nuclear annihilation aside, he’s done more to advance the education of America than Betsy DeVos could ever hope to do.

Trump doesn’t give a shit about Puerto Rico because his wall would keep them out anyway

The past few days have been the ultimate example of how electing Trump was exactly like making Your Racist, Possibly Alcoholic, Definitely Ne’er-Do-Well Uncle™ president. Said uncle cares enormously about sports, even though he hasn’t been in anything resembling decent shape since age 22 or so.

does sarah think they are kneeling on the flag?

I don’t recall anyone in this thread saying it was disrespectful for fans to stand.

I think I just found a fun new game. Find the people in the crowd who stand disrespectfully during the anthem.

Time to flush the anthem ritual altogether. “America” doesn’t need to be “honored” before every single sportsball game and everyone doesn’t need to stand at attention to “pay tribute” to the blah blahs who blah blah blahed to protect their blah blah. It’s a sports game, televised programming that draws rating and ad

Given that Trump was telling owners to fire anyone who protested, I read the gesture as “okay, and here’s what that looks like: no players.”

Shared by David Corn on his twitter feed:

Tom Brady locked arms with Philip Dorsett, who I believe had linked arms with the standing players next to the kneeling players. And Kraft is already three sheets to the wind by the time the game gets started anyway.

Yup, that’s a tale many are silent about, for some odd reason..

You have to appreciate the irony of the guy who rammed the USFL straight into the ground telling the NFL how to run shit.

The “not racist” country wants these guys to stop, but when it comes to Nazi’s hey man 1st Amendment!