Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Yeah, but on the other hand, Nixon wasn’t dismantling the country from within at a neck-break speed towards unadulterated fascism.

I grew up in Colorado Springs. The city had it coming.

This is what’s happening. Her husband works from home. I guarantee this woman doesn’t fart in the presence of her husband. Her husband has put her on this pedestal to where she feels she can’t shit in her own house. Instead, she goes out for a “jog.”

The only person with crappier runs in Colorado this past weekend was Ezekiel Elliott.

all hat, no cattle

“Naval Postgraduate School removed Clarke’s thesis from its website.”

My sister had a spate of dating married guys. I tried to tell her: “Best case scenario, he leaves his wife and marries you. Well, you know ONE thing about him; that he’ll cheat on his wife.”

Wow, it’s almost like this David Clarke guy is a complete fucking idiot.

I guess mother was wrong, sometimes the trash DO take itself out.

everybody out here thinking they gon be angelina jolie

The whole act of cheating is about the ones committing the cheating. The cheater has some issues (need for attention, unable to set boundaries, immature, etc) and the side piece has some issues (need for attention, unable to set boundaries, immature, etc). But those two people are the quickest to jump into their

So, basically, she’s not only racist, but stupid.

There is literally zero chance that these cunts (yeah i said it) aren’t Roll Tide-ing their way toward their Mrs. degree at UA.

I’m not defending those articles, and the state itself absolutely has an awful, deserved reputation for this type of shit

I hope those are the folks they focus on, yes.

Thanks for the reply, Arn. We have some stuff in common.

Eh. I’m as white as the driven snow.

I spent my early years on military bases and in military schools overseas (primarily Germany); in those first years, up through about middle school, I was with kids from all ethnicities, racial groups, religious faiths, and so on.

The military’s kind of a melting pot that way.

My dad

Get your college stereotypes straight

I wouldn’t worry about qualifying anything. He created his burner just to reply to that comment.