
It was the retarded janitor working in the schools who has sex with his sister on a dilapidated plantation with a maze and his parent's corpse still laying on a bed is NOT a good ending in the 21st century.

I imagine the pitch session went like this:

Season 1 had a great director and two phenomenal leads…and still ended shitty.

I'd say Fargo is still good, but not nearly as good as season 1…so far.

Oh we know Peggy's secret motivation…she's a hoarder!

NERDS!!!!…rule the world now and I'm glad I'm one.

Am I the only person who likes turn-based games and action games, but doesn't like paused games likes this? It feels like the worst of both worlds.

If I could have dinner with 4 people Alan Alda and Carol Burnett would be on the list.

That's not Big Bird's voice! What have they done with Big Bird?!?

So long as he teaches the other people about the power of love and fiduciary responsibility, I'm fine with this.

It's a good, catchy song with an unusual sound, of course it's going to endure. Nothing surprising about that.

Isn't it obvious, even to Marc, that he wouldn't have been good on a show like SNL?

It's about time. Much of Season 1 was a chore to watch.

"A spyglass?? How about a fucking oxygen tank?! I'm on the fucking moon you moronic brat!!!"

It's so good to see that men can still hire other men to be in a comedy show. I was worried that a few women would join in as something other than wives or small roles, but NOPE! they kept it nice and male.

"I hear you're going to India. Where are you going to be staying?"

I've definitely been looking forward to playing The Witness, but more for the aesthetics than 100 hours of solving line puzzles, no matter how many variations of line puzzles there may be.

Soooo, the Lifespring seminar is going to be in Sioux Falls.

I feel the same way. I admire his aims, but his execution is often below par.

Unfortunately, I think Tom Haverford will be his best work.