
Sketches…of Spain?

Really enjoyed Adventureland. A fine film.

(spoken, not sung)"…champagne eyes."

I knew a few of these, but after listing to all of them I'm struck by how simple they are. So, why not hire an actual human drummer instead of sampling?

Shakespeare is highly overrated, but man-ass…definitely underrated.

Great article. Loved the ending. :)

Rosewater's articles on design are excellent. I've often assigned them to my team and we're in a different industry entirely. He really thinks about what he's doing and is incredibly articulate about it…and funny.

The key is to ignore him. It's the only thing that works.

That Miami episode always kills me. The delusion is so brilliantly executed.

Been looking for a good MMORPG on the PS3 and read some great things about FF14 now that it's been revamped. Fingers crossed!

Have the Cosby people reached out to you yet, Katie? They could use a great apologist right about now. After all, lots of people drug and rape women…why must everyone wave their pitchforks at poor Bill Cosby? Look in the mirror, people!

70s/80s AWA or GTFO!

Yeah, that's be like discussing the outcome of a sporting event BEFORE it happens. Craziness!

Over/Under on Noah's tenure?

Those two kids throwing the ball back and forth at the beginning of the "Black Coffee in Bed" video must be British, because they throw and catch like they have the crown jewels stuck up their ass!

I'm not sure you know how hard people worked at Enron.

Having a smart, well-written and well-acted show run by a woman is such a gift. I say go protest the 95% of shows run by white men, that are terrible, if you want a show with more women of color who are not wealthy/connected/didn't go to upper class colleges (which is an entirely reasonable think to want).

I had the same reaction. The zeitgeist made it seem like I would love Broad City and hate Girls, but Broad City was really flat and unfunny and Girls was incredibly well written and smart.

We just finished Kingdoms of Amalur and were surprised by how much we enjoyed it…until the second half of the game when it became ludicrously easy (and this was on Hard difficulty).

Seth Bullock is the Piper Chapman of Deadwood. A main character that sucks on-screen, surrounded by amazing secondary characters.