
This was good. I'd enjoy an even longer and more detailed video analysis.

It's a sexist slur. It's used to undermine women and feminism. That's why it was coined and that's how it is used.

Coup is super simple, but it plays great. We played it for several hours over a long weekend and loved every minute of it.

A friend brought over Coup on a weekend trip, it was fantastic and scary. Scary that my partner is that good at lying. Highly recommend it.

Hooo boy, that is one lousy trailer. I'm sure the film is good, but that trailer makes me so glad I don't live in the 70s.

Ghosts, imagine that a racial slur was only used to describe really uppity members of that race, you know, the extreme ones who don't know their place and can't be reasoned with.

Yes, he was the one non-Brit in the troupe, that's why they had him playing with rubber cement and cutouts from magazines. American persecution by the English has never really ended.

two words…Hitch Cock

Definitely one for the future. If he continues at this pace he'll make it for sure.

Ditto on Payne.

Frances Ha and The Squid and The Whale are among my top 10 films of the last 15 years. Baumbach definitely would have been my top B director.

I saw DK and DKR in the theaters and DK definitely got my attention, but on further viewing it was entirely because of Heath Ledger's performance. DKR made my friends and I and most of the folks around us laugh out loud, it was sooooo ridiculously bad.

Agreed, Memento is superb and every film since has been half-baked. The first half is exciting and intriguing and then the second half of the film doesn't deliver.

Take out the Heath Ledger scenes and The Dark Knight is almost as bad as The Dark Knight Returns, which is to say it is laughably bad.

I think Nolan has only made one great film, Memento. He has made a number of very ambitious but flawed films, so that gets some points, but yeah, he sure wouldn't top Nichols on my list.

"For the courage to have plastic surgery, to airbrush the shit out of your photos, to hide your age at all costs, and to do everything possible to look like the dumbest, most antiquated representation of what it means to be a woman…the Arthur Ashe Courage Award!"

No, no they're not. Football fans really are worse…on average.

Sure, but I think he's pretty clearly more than just a "perv". Having read the judge's summary I can't defend him nor do I want to watch his movies. And I used to like quite a few of them.

Having read the articles and court summary it's hard to think of Woody Allen as anything but an opportunistic pedophile. If you haven't read the court summary, I recommend it, but not on a full stomach.

I don't think anyone assumed that, we just talk about groups of any kind that way. The internet is like our inner monologue unfiltered.