
Kudos to Emma Stone for addressing the issue directly…now about "The Help"…

In his concerned passive-aggressive midwestern woman in the audience voice, "That doesn't sound like a compliment."

I don't think Jeff is Kevin's type.

I use to love spaghetti till I found out it grows on trees.

People still watch boxing?

Why is there a video of Denis Leary reading for the part of Wolverine?

I haven't listened to PIL in a long time, but it's amazing how many of those songs come back to me quickly when I listened to them today. Thanks for a great interview.

John Candy is surprisingly nimble running to first base. I enjoyed this.

I get the feeling the steel of that katana hadn't been folded 2,000 times.

I think one has to like the chiptune genre to think that soundtrack is "great" or "gorgeous".

Trite idea, poor execution.

Worst use of Spoiler Space ever.

This makes me very happy.

It's Cal "Ripken", Fuck Face!

Yes on both. TV and a voiceover. If they cast the lead right it could be excellent.

Concrete! Yes!

"2) Troll uses:
a. “SJW”
b. “libtard”
c. Both
d. Neither"

That depends, what kind of tip did you have in mind?

Hunh. So Fassbender is going with the not looking or sounding at all like the real life person he is playing approach to this role. I found that a bit off-putting.

You have an interesting definition of "literal".