
Yeah…peer-reviewed journals…chemical analysis by independent labs….other researchers who disagree…

I mentioned that because the stereotype is that anyone who questions this is an irrational hippie.

You could replace vaccination with hip replacement surgery or just about any medical treatment and be just as likely to be wrong.


I come at this from a different perspective. I'm very scientific in my approach and have worked in high-tech for almost my entire career.

Vaccine chemistry isn't my specialty, but I've done enough research into other health/chemical exposure areas to think that being cautious makes sense.


He's not interested in discussion, just lobbing grenades at people. It makes him feel better.

I wouldn't do that.

There actually is a reasonable middle ground with this issue:

I like Prairie Home Companion.

I think a much better TV fight scene is coming.

Answer: Editors

Judging by the photo, I'm assuming this a is a movie about Christian mimes, is that right?

Lupe Fiasco + Gun, Germs, and Steel = Instagram

This must be the new CEO's turnaround plan. Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out!

Spins turntable…it stops on a teddy bear. [shudder]

I enjoy hating him on OitNB. Excellent actor.

Everyone calls him Bob. It's what he prefers.

Now that's an EXPERT witness. Well done, very informative.